
Pripovedna struktura romana To noč sem jo videl, avtorja Draga Jančarja : diplomsko delo
ID Rozman, Urška (Author), ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Žbogar, Alenka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Drago Jančar je leta 2010 izdal roman o "/.../ nekaj letih življenja in skrivnostnem izginotju Veronike Zarnik, mlade ženske iz ljubljanske meščanske družbe, ki jo je vase potegnil vrtinec nemirne zgodovine." Snov zanj je avtor dobil v članku Marije Cvetek Spomini na Strmol, Vilma Mlakar, roj. Urh-nekdanja strmolska sobarica. To noč sem jo videl je zgodovinski, vojni in ljubezenski roman, sestavljen iz petih pripovedi, v katerih je Veronika odsotna. Pripovedna struktura, ki spominja na japonsko kratko zgodbo in film Rašomon (1950, režija A. Kurosawa), je v Sloveniji še dokaj nepoznana, a zaradi postopnega razkrivanja osrednje zgodbe skozi pet poglavij s petimi protagonisti toliko bolj zanimiva. Roman ima v večjem delu analitično zgradbo,saj gre večinoma za spominjanje dogodkov iz časa prihoda nemškega okupatorja na slovensko ozemlje leta 1941. Osrednji dogodek je partizanski napad na Podgorsko graščino 8. januarja 1944. Pripovedovalci skušajo razjasniti skrivnostno izginotje gospodarjev gradu, Veronike in Lea Zarnik. Roman ima resnično ozadje, takšna usoda je namreč doletela Rada in Ksenijo Hribar na gradu Strmol. Tako kot Ksenija je v romanu predstavljena Veronika kot radoživa soproga in ljubimka ter humana gospodarica. Njen soprog in uspešni podjetnik je zavoljo poslov na gradu pogosto gostil poslovne partnerje, med njimi pa so se znašle tudi osebe, ki so pri okoliških prebivalcih in partizanih na zakonca Zarnik vrgli sum sodelovanja z okupatorjem. Ideja romana je neusmiljenost spopadov različnih ideologij, ki pod sabo pokopljejo nedolžne ljudi, ki so "hoteli samo živeti". V romanu prevladujejo zgodovinski motivi, najbolj očiten je motiv nemškega okupatorja na slovenskem ozemlju leta 1941. V pripovedi Steva Radovanovića pa je v ospredju ljubezenski motiv dveh socialno neenakopravnih partnerjev. V To noč sem jo videl je Jančar vpeljal tri osrednje teme: zgodovinsko, ljubezensko in bivanjsko. Avtor je zavrnil izbiro avktorialnega pripovedovalca in namesto njega določil pet personalnih, ki izhajajo iz svojega vedenja in znanja o dogodkih. V Josipini zaradi njene odsotnosti s kraja dogajanja na usodni večerin izgube hčerke prepoznamo nezanesljivega razlagalca in nezanesljivega poročevalca.

Keywords:slovenska književnost, slovenski roman, tematologija - 2. svetovna vojna, druga svetovna vojna, pripovedna struktura, nezanesljivi pripovedovalec, bolonjske diplome
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Rozman]
Number of pages:35 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104478 This link opens in a new window
UDC:821.163.6.09-31Jančar D.
COBISS.SI-ID:49891170 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.10.2018
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In 2010, Drago Jančar published his novel about "a few years of life and mysterious disappearance of Veronika Zarnik, a young woman from Ljubljana bourgeois society, who was dragged into a swirl of antsy history". As far as the topic is concerned, the author was inspired by Marija Cvetek's article Spomini na Strmol, Vilma Mlakar, roj. Urh-nekdanja strmolska sobarica. To noč sem jo videl is a historical, war and love novel that is comprised of five narrations, in which Veronika is absent. The narration structure that reminds us of Japanese short story and film Rašomon is still quite unfamiliar to the Slovenian audience, but we can definitely describe it as interesting, especially because of the gradual revelation of the main story throughout five chapters displaying five protagonists. Analytic structure prevails the whole novel, as the story revolves mainly around the reminiscences of events that took place in 1941, when the German occupying forces came to the Slovenian territory. The Partisan attack on Podgorska graščina that occurs on January 8, 1944, represents the central event of the novel. The narrators try to clear up the mysterious disappearance of Veronika and Leo Zarnik, the lords of the manor. The novel is based on a true story - it depicts the destiny of Rado and Ksenija Hribar who lived in the Strmol castle. Both Ksenija and Veronika are portrayed as joyous wives and mistresses as well as humane landowners. Veronikaʼs husband was a successful businessman who often hosted his business partners in the castle. There But some persons the local inhabitants and Partisans found suspicious - they suspected the Zarnik couple of cooperating with the German occupying forces. The main idea of the novel is the ruthlessness of the clashes of different ideologies that kill some people "who only wanted to live". In the novel, the historical motifs predominate; the most obvious motif is the one with the German occupying forces being present in the Slovenian territory in 1941, whereas in Steve Radovanović's story the emphasis is put on the love motif of two socially unequal lovers. There are three main themes in Jančar's novel To noč sem jo videl, e.g. historical, love and existential theme. Jančar consciously decided to choose five first-person narrators who all derive from their personal knowledge.

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