
Zadovoljstvo pacientov z delom radioloških inženirjev in storitvami radiološkega oddelka v Splošni bolnišnici Slovenj Gradec : magistrsko delo
ID Ramšak, Ana (Author), ID Kavčič, Matic (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Starc, Tina (Comentor)

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Uvod: Zadovoljstvo bolnikov je pomemben izid zdravstvene oskrbe, ki je med drugim pogojen s kakovostjo sporazumevanja, medosebnimi odnosi in organizacijo dela. Zadovoljstvo pacientov prispeva k večjemu ugledu radiološkega oddelka, kot tudi zdravstvene ustanove. Bolj kot so pacienti zadovoljni, bolj so lahko zadovoljni tudi radiološki inženirji z delom, ki ga opravljajo. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je ugotoviti stopnjo zadovoljstva pacientov na radiološkem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Slovenj Gradec, ter identificirati dejavnike, ki vplivajo na (ne)zadovoljstvo pacientov na dveh področjih delovanja, magnetna resonanca (MR) in računalniška tomografija (CT). Metode dela: Za teoretični del smo uporabili metodo pregleda domače in tuje strokovne literature. V empiričnem delu smo uporabili kvantitativno metodo. Mnenja pacientov smo zbrali z anketnim vprašalnikom. Podatke smo statistično analizirali z opisno statistiko, Cronbach alfa testom, koeficientom korelacije, ne parametričnim t-testom, linearno in multiplo regresijsko analizo. Rezultati: Na anketo je odgovorilo 140 anketirancev 47,1% moških in 52,9% žensk. Povprečna starost anketirancev je bila 53 let. Največ jih je imelo končano srednjo šolo 49,3%. Pri preverjanju povezanosti pacientovega splošnega zadovoljstva z različnimi spremenljivkami radiološkega oddelka najdemo močno povezanost pri komunikaciji in odnosu radiološkega inženirja, srednjo povezanost pa pri mnenju o čakalnici, čakalnem času, čakalni dobi in izobrazbi. Zdravstveno stanje pacienta, spol in starost niso povezani z zadovoljstvom. Ko pa so v modelu multiple linearne regresijske analize zajeti vsi preučevani dejavniki, rezultati kažejo, da na zadovoljstvo pacientov v največji meri vplivajo komunikacija (β = 0,461, p < 0,01), odnos radiološkega inženirja (β = 0,256, p < 0,05) in čakalni čas v čakalnici (β = -0,136, p < 0,05). Razprava in zaključek: Anketiranci CT in MR diagnostik so v povprečju podali visoke ocene zadovoljstva z zdravstveno obravnavo (nad 4 na 5-stopenjski lestvici). Splošno mnenje pacientov o delu radioloških inženirjev s CT in MR diagnostike je povprečju zelo dobro. Iz rezultatov vidimo, da so pacienti v veliki meri zadovoljni z delom radioloških inženirjev. Sklenemo lahko, da se zadovoljstvo pacientov ustvari s kombinacijo pacientovih pogledov in potreb, ter z nenehnimi izboljšavami odnosov med radiološkimi inženirji in pacienti. Naša raziskava je eni prvih v Sloveniji na področju zadovoljstva pacientov z delom radioloških inženirjev, zato v nadaljnje raziskovalne namene priporočamo, da razširimo merjenje zadovoljstva še na ostale diagnostike radiološkega oddelka Splošne bolnišnice Slovenj Gradec. Podobne raziskave priporočamo tudi v drugih ustanovah radioloških oddelkov po Sloveniji, saj bi tako RI bolje razumeli pacientove želje in potrebe in bi tako svoje delo temu tudi ustrezno prilagodili.

Keywords:zadovoljstvo, pacient, radiološki oddelek, radiološki inženir
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104433 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5508971 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Patient satisfaction with work of radiographers and services radiological departments in General hospital Slovenj Gradec : master thesis
Introduction: The satisfaction of patients is an important outcome of health care, which is determined by the quality of communication, interpersonal relationships and organisation of work. The satisfaction of patients contributes to better reputation of the radiological department as well as health institution. The more patients are satisfied, the more can radiographers be satisfied with their work. Purpose: The purpose of the master thesis is to determine the level of satisfaction of patients at Radiological department of the General Hospital Slovenj Gradec, and to identify the factors that affect the satisfaction of patients in two fields of operating: magnetic resonance (MR) and computer tomography (CT). Methods: For the theoretical part, we analysed Slovenian and foreign professional literature, and for empirical part, we used the quantitative method. With survey questionnaire, we collected the opinions of patients and statistically analysed the data with descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, correlation coefficient, nonparametric t-test, linear and multiple regression analysis. Results: The survey was answered by 140 respondents, 47,1 % of men and 52,9 % of women. Average age of respondents is 53. The majority of them (49,3 %) finished secondary school. When examining the relationships between patients’ overall satisfaction with the various variables of the radiological department, we discovered a strong correlation with ˝communication˝ and radiographer’s attitude. Less strong is the relationship with the waiting-room, waiting time, waiting period and education. Patient’s health condition, sex and age are not connected to the satisfaction of the patient. When every studied factor is included in the model of multiple linear regression analysis, results show that the satisfaction of patients is in majority impacted by communication (β = 0,461, p < 0,01), attitude of radiographer (β = 0,256, p < 0,05) and waiting time in the waiting-room (β = -0,136, p < 0,05). Discussion and conclusion: Respondents of the survey have assessed the CT and MR diagnostics with a high grade of satisfaction with health treatment (above 4 on a scale of 1 to 5). Average opinion of patients on the work of radiographers at CT and MR diagnostics is genuinely high. The results reveal that patients are satisfied with the work of radiographers. We can conclude that satisfaction of patients consists of patient’s point of view and needs, and of constant improvements of the relationship between a radiographer and a patient. Our research is one of the first on the satisfaction of patients with the work of radiographers in Slovenia. Therefore, we recommend expanding the measuring of satisfaction to other diagnostics of the radiological department of the General Hospital Slovenj Gradec. We also recommend similar studies in radiological departments elsewhere in Slovenia in order to understand patients wishes and needs, and to adjust the work appropriately.

Keywords:satisfaction, patient, radiological department, radiographer

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