
Zaznavanje delovanja motorja pri jadralnih letalih
ID Ranđelović, Luka (Author), ID Prezelj, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna naloga se poglablja v problematiko zaznavanja pogonskih sredstev pri jadralnih letalih. Namen naloge je akustična analiza hrupa v kabini jadralnega letala v pogojih z motorjem ter brez njega in razvoj programa, ki je sposoben ločiti med tema dvema načinoma leta. Praktični del zajema snemanje hrupa znotraj kabine v jadralnem letalu v pogojih letenja z in brez motorja pri različnih pogojih. Ti pogoji zajemajo let pri različnih hitrostih, koordinirani in nekoordinirani let, let z odprtim in zaprtim oknom, uvlečenim in izvlečenim podvozjem ter pri različnih obratih motorja. V obsegu praktičnega dela zaključne naloge je tudi hrup motorja na tleh, brez aerodinamičnega hrupa zaradi letenja. Razvojni del sloni na akustični analizi, izračunu psihoakustičnih značilk ter klasifikaciji zvoka glede na značilke dveh načinov leta.

Keywords:psihoakustika, akustika, zvok, hrup, letala, jadralna letala, zaznavanje, motorji, knn, analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104431 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Detection of engine operation in sailplanes
This thesis is devoted to examining the problems of engine detection in sailplanes. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a program capable of differentiating flights and parts of flights with the use of an engine from ones without an engine based on an acoustic analysis of noise inside a sailplane cabin during flight. The practical part of this thesis covers recording of noise inside the cabin of a sailplane during flight with and without the use of an engine in different conditions. These conditions include flying at different speeds, coordinated and uncoordinated flight, flying with an open and closed window and with and without landing gear deployed, as well as flying with the engine at different RPM settings. The practical part of this thesis also includes recording of engine noise on the ground, when no flight-induced aerodynamic noise is present. The development part of this research is based on acoustic analysis, calculation of acoustic and psychoacoustic features and classification of noise based on features of two different flight regimes.

Keywords:psychoacoustics, acoustics, sound, noise, airplanes, sailplane, detection, engines, knn, analysis

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