In this thesis, I described with which lighting conditions a photographer can face, how to prepare for them and how to eliminate unwanted effects. Firstly, I described the consequences of changing camera settings, how the changing affect the camera’s software and hardware and what are the changes, that happen in the picture itself. I presented photography origins, parts and elements of the camera, where I focused on parts, that have the most influence over photography’s light. I explained how the lenses work and described the parameters that we face while buying it. I listed different types of photography that I encountered while in process of making this thesis. Then I listed different lighting conditions that photographer must deal with (strong sunlight, hard shadows, strong backlight…). For latter conditions, I listed camera’s settings and actions of photographer that eliminate unwanted effects. In the last paragraph, I touched on a subject of post-processing in editing software for multiple photos – Adobe Lightroom. On examples I showed how to correct effects which I described earlier.