
Zajem in korekcija fotografij v težavnih svetlobnih pogojih
ID SIMONIČ, MATJAŽ (Author), ID Zaletelj, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi sem predstavil, s kakšnimi svetlobnimi pogoji se lahko fotograf sooča, kako se na njih pripravi in kako nezaželene učinke odpravi. Najprej sem naštel sem posledice spreminjanja nastavitev fotoaparata, kakšne programske in mehanske spremembe naredijo v fotoaparatu in kakšne spremembe nastanejo na fotografiji. Predstavil sem tudi začetke fotografije in predstavil dele fotoaparata, kjer sem se osredotočal na nastavitve in dele, ki direktno vplivajo na svetlobo fotografije. Razložil sem delovanje objektivov in naštel parametre, s katerimi imamo opravka pri nakupu objektiva. Opisal sem tudi različne tipe fotografij, s katerimi sem se srečeval tekom izdelave diplomske naloge. Nato sem naštel različne svetlobne pogoje, s katerimi lahko imamo kot fotografi opravek (močna svetloba sonca, trde sence, močna zadnja luč…). Pri slednjih pogojih sem navedel nastavitve fotoaparata in akcije fotografa, ki lahko nezaželene učinke odpravijo oz. omilijo. V zadnjem poglavju sem se dotaknil poznejše programske obdelave v programu za množično urejanje fotografije Adobe Lightroom. Na primernih sem pokazal, kako lahko prej opisane nezaželene učinke težavnih svetlobnih pogojev, v poznejši obdelavi popravimo.

Keywords:Fotografija, svetlobni pogoji, nastavitve fotoaparata, obdelava fotografij.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104377 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2018
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Title:Shooting and postprocessing photographs under difficult lighting
In this thesis, I described with which lighting conditions a photographer can face, how to prepare for them and how to eliminate unwanted effects. Firstly, I described the consequences of changing camera settings, how the changing affect the camera’s software and hardware and what are the changes, that happen in the picture itself. I presented photography origins, parts and elements of the camera, where I focused on parts, that have the most influence over photography’s light. I explained how the lenses work and described the parameters that we face while buying it. I listed different types of photography that I encountered while in process of making this thesis. Then I listed different lighting conditions that photographer must deal with (strong sunlight, hard shadows, strong backlight…). For latter conditions, I listed camera’s settings and actions of photographer that eliminate unwanted effects. In the last paragraph, I touched on a subject of post-processing in editing software for multiple photos – Adobe Lightroom. On examples I showed how to correct effects which I described earlier.

Keywords:Photography, lighting conditions, camera's settings, picture processing.

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