
Vzgojiteljeva pripravljenost izvajanja programov za spodbujanje rezilientnosti otrok : diplomsko delo
ID Tomažin, Ines (Author), ID Prosen, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Smrtnik Vitulić, Helena (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5407 This link opens in a new window

Rezilientnost vključuje učinkovito premagovanje dolgotrajnejših težav, soočanje s stresnimi situacijami in reagiranje nanje s proaktivnim vedenjem, ki omogoča uspešno spoprijemanje s težavami/stresom. V vzgojno-izobraževalni ustanovi, kot je vrtec, vzgojitelj s svojim zgledom in pristopom lahko prispeva k razvoju otrokove rezilientnosti, zato je pomembno, da jo vzgojitelj skozi profesionalni razvoj sam razvija in jo spodbuja pri otrocih. Z raziskavo sem želela ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri vzgojitelji menijo, da na razvoj rezilientnost v vrtcu vplivajo pogoji in klima vrtčevskega kolektiva, kompetentnost vzgojiteljev za vodenje aktivnosti, ki spodbujajo otrokovo rezilientnost, ter kakšno je njihovo mnenje o razvijanju rezilientnosti in pripravljenost spodbujanja le-te pri otrocih. Ugotavljala sem tudi, ali se omenjena mnenja vzgojiteljev spreminjajo glede na faze njihovega profesionalnega razvoja. Na podlagi odgovorov 101 vzgojitelja na anketni Vprašalnik o učiteljevi/vzgojiteljevi pripravljenosti za spodbujanje rezilientnosti otrok sem ugotovila, da vzgojitelji menijo, da so precej kompetentni za izvajanje programov za spodbujanje rezilientnosti v vrtcu in da njihova pripravljenost spodbujanja razvoja rezilientnosti ni bistveno odvisna od zagotavljanja pogojev vrtca. Vzgojitelji so ocenili, da je znotraj vrtčevskega kolektiva ustvarjena precej prijetna klima, ki vpliva na dobre medsebojne odnose in pogoje dela zaposlenih, kar pripomore k razvijanju rezilientnosti. Prav tako vzgojitelji podajajo precej pozitivno mnenje o rezilientnosti in ocenjujejo, da je takšna tudi njihova pripravljenost spodbujanja razvoja rezilientnosti pri otrocih. Našteta mnenja vzgojiteljev niso pogojena s fazami profesionalnega razvoja, v katerih se vzgojitelji nahajajo. Ker je rezilientnost še dokaj nepoznan pojem, je potrebno stremeti k boljši ozaveščenosti pedagoških delavcev o njenem pomenu in spodbujanju rezilientnosti pri otrocih, k čemer lahko pripomorejo tudi rezultati te raziskave.

Keywords:rezilientnost, vzgojitelj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[I. Tomažin]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104366 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12161353 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Preschool teachers willingness to implement programmes for developing children’s resilience
Resilience includes efficient surmounting of long-lasting problems, dealing with stressful situations and reacting to them with proactive behaviour, which enables successful dealing with problems/stress. In an educational establishment, for example in a kindergarten, a preschool teacher can contribute to the development of children's resilience by setting an example and with his or her approach. Hence, it is important a preschool teacher through his or her professional development develops resilience him/herself as well as stimulates development of resilience in children. In my research I wanted to find out to what extend preschool teachers believe that the development of resilience in a kindergarten is affected by conditions and atmosphere among the kindergarten's collective and by preschool teacher's competences for carrying out activities which stimulate children's resilience. The thesis further investigates the preschool teachers’ opinion on developing resilience and their readiness to stimulate children’s resilience. I also tried to establish whether teachers’ opinions change according to the phases of their professional development. On the basis of 101 teachers answering the Questionnaire on the Readiness of Preschool Teacher's for Developing Children's Resilience I established that teachers believe they are considerably competent to carry out programs for stimulating resilience in a kindergarten and that their readiness to stimulate resilience development does not depend much on a kindergarten's conditions assurance. The preschool teachers estimated that a considerably pleasant climate is established inside their kindergarten’s collective, which positively affects good interpersonal relationships and working conditions for the employers, which aids in the resilience development. The kindergarten teachers express a fairly high opinion on resilience and estimate that their level of readiness to stimulate resilience development in children is fairly high as well. These preschool teachers’ opinions do not depend on the phases of professional development they are currently at. Due to the fact that resilience is still quite an unfamiliar concept, it is imperative to strive toward better pedagogical workers' awareness of its importance and toward stimulating resilience with children, what the results of this research can contribute to.

Keywords:pre-school child, nursery school, predšolski otrok, vrtec

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