
Družinsko učenje v muzeju : magistrsko delo
ID Čeh, Renata (Author), ID Kemperl, Metoda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Bračun Sova, Rajka (Comentor)

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Muzej kot vzgojno-izobraževalna ustanova in prostor različnih oblik učenja (formalnega, neformalnega, priložnostnega) ni namenjen samo šolskim skupinam, temveč najširšemu krogu muzejskih obiskovalcev, med katerimi imajo pomembno vlogo tudi družine. Nekatere družine kot prostor za kakovostno, kulturno preživljanje prostega časa, kjer lahko združijo zanimivo izobraževalno izkušnjo s prijetno družabno izkušnjo, izberejo ravno muzej. V Pokrajinskem muzeju Ptuj Ormož jim je med drugim na voljo muzejski kovček, poseben didaktični pripomoček, s pomočjo katerega se lahko kadarkoli v svojem prostem času podajo v svet preteklosti in samostojno raziskovanje grajskih zbirk, ob tem pa poteka proces učenja. Ker je družina eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov socializacije, ki z oblikovanjem kulturnega kapitala pomembno določa status posameznika celo življenje, se na pedagoškem področju družinskemu učenju namenja vse več raziskav. V magistrskem delu sem raziskovala značilnosti družinskega učenja in ugotavljala, kakšen pomen družine pripisujejo lastnemu učenju v muzeju, kako ga razumejo in doživljajo. Do ugotovitev sem prišla s kvalitativno raziskavo – s polstrukturiranimi intervjuji, ki sem jih opravila z izbranimi družinami oziroma njihovimi posameznimi člani, obiskovalci ptujskega muzeja. Zbrala in analizirala sem različne vrste podatkov, kot so izkušnje, mnenja in stališča, občutke in zaznave, socialno interakcijo. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da so tako odrasli sogovorniki kot otroci pozitivno doživeli raziskovanje muzejskih zbirk z didaktičnim pripomočkom – muzejskim kovčkom. Ob doživljanju muzejskega kovčka in dojemanju družinskega učenja v muzeju so pripisali velik pomen učenju v muzeju s pomočjo didaktičnih pripomočkov, izpostavili koristnost rokovanja s predmeti, usmerjanje pozornosti na izbrane predmete, spodbujanje pozornosti in točno iskanje. Na ta način so se tudi kaj novega naučili, na zanimiv način prišli do novih spoznanj, novega védenja, ponovili zgodovino in skupaj z družinskimi člani spoznavali muzej. Družinsko učenje v muzeju je pomenilo razvedrilo za vso družino in preko razvedrila pridobivanje novih znanj za otroke in odrasle. Pridobljeno novo znanje lahko uporabljajo kasneje v življenju in muzejska izkušnja je tako postala del družinskega vsakdana. V procesu učenja so družinski člani medsebojno aktivno sodelovali pri raziskovanju, se družili in pogovarjali. V muzejskem učnem okolju so se oboji dobro počutili in pridobili nova znanja preko izkušenj. Učenje preko izkušenj pa bogati posameznika in spodbuja njegov osebnostni razvoj. Moj cilj je bil pridobiti čim bolj celovit vpogled v proučevani položaj, torej v značilnosti družinskega učenja v muzeju, ob tem pa obogatiti in okrepiti sodelovanje z obiskovalci, ki prihajajo v Pokrajinski muzej Ptuj Ormož kot družine.

Keywords:neformalno učenje v muzeju, prosti čas, kulturni kapital
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[R. Čeh]
Number of pages:55 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104297 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12141897 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Family learning in museums
Museums as educational institutions and spaces for different forms of learning (formal, non-formal, and informal) are not only geared towards school groups, but towards a wide circle of museum visitors, among which families hold an important place. Some families choose a museum for spending quality, cultural leisure time, during which they can combine an interesting educational experience with a pleasant experience. The Regional Museum Ptuj Ormož offers, among other things, the “Museum Suitcase”, a special didactic aid which can be used at any given time during a family’s free time to venture into the world of the past and independently explore the collections in the Ptuj Castle, while the process of learning takes place at the same time. Since the family is one of the most important factors of socialization, which shapes the cultural capital of an individual and therefore significantly determines their status throughout their life, more and more research is devoted to the pedagogical aspects of family learning. In my master’s thesis I explored the characteristics of family learning and determined the importance that families attribute to their own learning in a museum, how they understand and experience it. I came to conclusions through qualitative research – with semi-structured interviews with selected families and their individual members, visitors of the Ptuj museum. I collected and analysed various types of data, such as experience, opinions and views, feelings and perceptions, social interaction. The results of the research show that both adults and children have had a positive experience in exploring the museum collections with a didactic aid – the museum suitcase. Besides their experience with the museum suitcase and the perception of family learning, the participants attributed significant importance to learning in the museum with the help of didactic aids, they pointed out the benefits of handling objects, directing attention to selected objects, promoting attention, and accurate searching. In this way, they also learned something new, found new insights and knowledge in an interesting manner, refreshed their knowledge of history, and spent time exploring the museum together with other members of their family. Family leaning in the museum was an entertaining experience for the entire family, and an entertaining way of gaining new knowledge for children and adults alike. They will be able to use the newly acquired knowledge later in life, and the museum experience has thus become part of the family’s everyday life. In the process of learning, family members actively cooperated in exploration, socialization, and conversation. Children and adults felt good in the museum’s learning environment, in addition to gaining new knowledge through experience. Learning through experience enriches and promotes the personal development of every individual. My goal was to gain a comprehensive insight into the studied situation – the characteristics of family learning in a museum – while developing a richer and more intense cooperation with visitors coming to the Regional Museum Ptuj Ormož as families.

Keywords:museum education, family, muzejska pedagogika, družina

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