
Izrazne zmožnosti grafita
ID Bukovec, Anamarija (Author), ID Jerčič Jakob, Anja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Potočnik, Robert (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5352/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo poteka na likovno praktični, likovno teoretični in likovno didaktični ravni ter preučuje izrazne zmožnosti grafita. Na likovno praktični ravni sem v monokromni grafitni tehniki ilustrirala avtorsko slikanico brez besedila z naslovom Stara hiša in v lastni likovni praksi preizkusila, da je tudi zgolj z grafitom v ilustraciji možno doseči slikovitost in pestrost. Na likovno teoretični ravni sem nastale ilustracije formalno likovno analizirala ter tako predstavila uporabljene likovne gramatike, s čimer sem opozorila na kompleksno notranjo zgradbo posameznih ilustracij. S tem sem upravičila uporabo slikanice Stara hiša kot didaktični pripomoček v likovno vzgojne namene. Na likovno didaktični ravni sem svojo slikanico aplicirala v lastno pedagoško prakso, pri kateri sem s tretješolci ene izmed osrednjeslovenskih osnovnih šol skladno z učnim načrtom za likovno umetnost obravnavala pojem točkovne in linearne teksture. Izvedla sem kvalitativno pedagoško raziskavo, v okviru katere sem prek analize nastalih likovnih izdelkov tretješolcev in transkribiranih intervjujev z njimi preverila odziv učencev do monokromne grafitne tehnike. Raziskava je potrdila, da avtorska slikanica brez besedila Stara hiša predstavlja uspešno motivacijsko sredstvo, poleg tega pa se je izkazalo, da ni samo učinkovit didaktični pripomoček učitelju, ampak kot samostojni učni pripomoček služi tudi učencu, saj ga posredno navaja in spodbuja k opazovanju ter globljemu umevanju lastnosti in značilnosti likovnega jezika. Izrazne zmožnosti grafita so obširne in jih je, kljub temu, da je grafit po svoji naravi monokromna tehnika, ki ima zato določene tehnične in izrazne omejitve, moč izkoristiti v prid kakovostnega likovnega dela, kar trdim tako za svojo lastno likovno prakso, kot tudi za likovno prakso v raziskavo vključenih učencev. Pričakujem, da bodo opažanja in ugotovitve mojega magistrskega dela pripomogle k prepoznavi in uporabi neskončne palete zmožnosti, ki jih ponuja ta osnovna, a marsikdaj prezrta ali podcenjena veščina upodabljanja – risanje z grafitnim svinčnikom. Današnji otroci naj – v okolju barvne prenasičenosti, zunanjega blišča, pretiranega krašenja in enoznačnih podob – ne ostanejo brez prave možnosti za razvoj občutka za likovno dobro, vredno in kakovostno.

Keywords:Slikanica brez besedila
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104285 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12139593 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Graphite's capabilities of expression
This master’s thesis focuses on the practical, theoretical, and educational levels of art and explores the expressive capabilities of graphite. At the art practice level, I planned a wordless picture book entitled Stara hiša (“The Old House”) and illustrated it using the monochrome graphite pencil technique. This enabled me to discover and prove that a vivid and diverse illustration can indeed be achieved even through the use of mere graphite. At the art theory level, I did a formal visual analysis of the illustrations, presenting the elements of art structure use and highlighting the complex internal structure of each illustration and therefore justifying the application of the picture book Stara hiša as an educational tool in an art class. At the art education level, I used my picture book in my own teaching practice and covered the concept of point and linear texture with 3rd grade students at an elementary school in the Central Slovenia region while adhering to the curriculum. I conducted a qualitative educational study whose objective was to examine the students’ reaction to the graphite pencil drawing technique through the analysis of the artwork they made during the art class I led and the transcribed interviews I held with them. The study established the wordless picture book Stara Hiša as a successful motivational device. The book proved not only to be an effective educational tool for the teacher, but also a tool for a student’s independent learning, as it encourages them to observe and understand the characteristics of the art language on a deeper level. Despite it being a monochrome technique and therefore possessing certain drawbacks in technique and expression, the expressive capabilities of graphite are extensive and can be used to further the quality of an artwork – which held true in both my own teaching practice and the art practice of the students participating in the study – I expect the observations and findings of this master’s thesis to help identify and further the use of the countless possibilities this basic, frequently disregarded and underestimated art technique. Children today – in a world of color oversaturation, false splendor, excessive decoration and unambiguous images – should not be deprived of the opportunity to develop a sense of art appreciation and of what is good, valuable, and of high quality in art.

Keywords:wordless picture book

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