
Izvajanje eksperimentov in odnos učencev do fizike
ID Palcich, Sandra (Author), ID Čepič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/5335/ This link opens in a new window

Fizika je za večino učencev in odraslih eden najtežjih in zato najmanj priljubljenih predmetov v šoli. Predsodki glede fizike se prenašajo skozi generacije in tako ustvarjajo začaran krog nerazumevanja naravoslovja v splošnem. Zgodi se tudi, da je otrok do predmeta negativno nastrojen še preden se z njim sreča. Vzroke za izjemno nepriljubljenost je iskalo že mnogo raziskovalcev, najti pa je moč tudi veliko raziskav, ki poskušajo odnos učencev, dijakov ali študentov do fizike na različne načine izboljšati. Možnost za izboljšavo trenutnega stanja bi lahko iskali v novih poučevalnih smernicah. Kot predlog se ponuja raziskovalni pouk, ki je neke vrste približek pravega znanstvenega raziskovanja. Takšen pouk temelji na učenčevi aktivnosti, poleg specifičnih pa poudarja tudi splošne učne cilje. V diplomskem delu je opisan učni poseg v obliki raziskovalnega pouka, s katerim sem hotela izboljšati odnos osnovnošolcev do fizike. Zasnovala sem zanimive eksperimente, ki jih lahko uporabimo med ali po pouku in so povezani z učno snovjo. Raziskava je potekala v dveh delih. V prvem delu so učenci eksperimente izvajali v obliki treh domačih nalog, vodeni pa so bili z delovnimi listi. Prva naloga se imenuje »Izstreljevanje vatiranih paličic«, temelji pa na razumevanju dela, energije in energijskih pretvorb. Pri poskusu iz slamic na različne načine izstreljujemo vatirane paličice. Drugo nalogo, »Konfeti«, lahko uporabimo za poglabljanje razumevanja prožnostne energije, obravnava pa tudi druge oblike energije ter prenos energije med telesi. Pri tej nalogi s preprostim pripomočkom, sestavljenim iz balona in kartonastega tulca, izstreljujemo papirnate kroglice različnih mas. Zadnja naloga, »Kotaljenje plastenk«, pa poleg elementov iz prvih dveh nalog preverja še razumevanje pojma notranja energija. Pri tej nalogi po klančini spuščamo prazno oziroma s sipko snovjo do polovice napolnjeno plastenko. V drugem delu raziskave sem izvedla tri učne ure. Prva je bila uvodna obravnava tlaka. Izvedla sem demonstracijsko raziskavo, s katero sem učencem želela približati, kako raziskovanje sploh poteka in jim pokazati, kaj bom od njih v naslednjih urah pričakovala. S pomočjo gobe za brisanje table in klad sem raziskala, od česa je tlak odvisen. Druga ura je bila bolj podobna tradicionalnemu pouku, saj smo ponavljali snov prejšnje ure in opravili nekaj izračunov. Pri tretji uri sem učence razdelila v skupine, vsaka skupina pa je dobila svoje raziskovalno vprašanje. Vprašanja so temeljila na razumevanju prostornine in mase, navezovala pa so se tudi že na gostoto, ki je bila obravnavana naslednjo šolsko uro. Naloge sem se lotila z zasnovo zanimivih eksperimentov, ki so povezani z učno snovjo in namenjeni obravnavi med ali po pouku. Izdelala sem tudi učne liste, ki so učence natančno vodili pri izdelavi pripomočka, izvedbi eksperimenta in razmisleku o fizikalnem ozadju. Pred posegi so učenci izpolnjevali vprašalnike, s katerimi sem ugotavljala njihov odnos do fizike. Podoben vprašalnik so izpolnjevali tudi po aktivnostih, njihove odgovore pa sem nato primerjala. Analiza rezultatov je pokazala, da so bile aktivnosti uspešne. Učenci so po poskusih namreč povedali, da se jim fizika z eksperimenti zdi bolj zanimiva kot tradicionalen pouk fizike. Upoštevati pa je treba, da tovrsten pristop ni primeren za vsako uro in vsak učni cilj.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104254 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12137801 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Conducting experiments and pupils' attitudes towards physics
Physics has for most pupils and adults been one of the least favourite subjects at school. Prejudice against physics has been passed down through generations and has consequently created a vicious circle of incomprehension of natural sciences in general. Children can also show negative predispositions towards the subject before they even encounter it. Reasons for the exceptional unpopularity of the subject has been researched by many; one can also find numerous studies trying to differently improve attitudes of elementary and secondary school pupils, as well as university students towards physics. We could look for possibilities for improvement of the current state within new lecturing guidelines. Inquiry-based science education has been proposed as an option. Such lectures are based on pupils’ engagement and they accentuate general educational objectives next to the specific ones. The thesis describes a lecturing activity in a form of inquiry based science education, with which I wanted to improve the pupils’ attitude towards physics. I have designed interesting experiments that may be used during or after lectures, with regard to the subject matter. The research was carried out in two phases. In the first phase, the pupils conducted the experiments as three work sheet-guided homework assignments. The first assignment, “Cotton Sticks Shooting”, is based on the understanding of work, energy and energy conversions. In this experiment we were shooting cotton sticks out of straws. The second assignment, “Confetti”, can be used for a more in-depth understanding of the elastic energy, but addresses other forms of energy and energy transmission between bodies, as well. Here we used a simple tool made out of a balloon and cardboard tube to shoot out paper balls with different masses. The final assignment, “Rolling Plastic Bottles”, assesses the understanding of the concept of the internal energy, in addition to the elements from the first assignment. This time we were dropping downhill empty or half-full plastic bottles containing a fine material. In the second phase of the research I conducted three lectures. The first one was an introductory lesson on pressure. I presented a demonstration research, with which I wanted to familiarise the pupils with the actual process of the inquiry, as well as to acquaint them with what I would be expecting from them in the future lectures. I used a blackboard erasing sponge and weights to assess the factors that would lead to pressure changes. The second lecture resembled a traditional lecture, where we revised what we had learned in the previous lecture and carried out several calculations. For the third lecture I divided the pupils into groups, where each group received a specific research question. The questions were based on the understanding of volume and mass, but were also related to density, which they touched upon later in the following lecture. The pupils took questionnaires prior to my lectures, which I used to determine their attitude towards physics. They took similar questionnaires after the activities, which I later used to compare their answers. An analysis of the results showed that the performed activities were successful. The pupils afterwards stated that physics was more interesting when performing experiments than listening to a traditional physics lesson. It should be noted however that this type of approach is not suitable for every lecture and every learning objective.


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