
Od ideje do izdelka v procesu izdelave in preizkušanja motorične table : diplomsko delo
ID Prettner, Lara (Author), ID Avsec, Stanislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/id/eprint/5275 This link opens in a new window

V diplomskem delu želim vzgojiteljem predstaviti projektno delo, preko katerega otrok spoznava nov material les. Kar nekaj vzgojiteljev ima težave pri obravnavanju novih materialov in obdelovanju le-teh. Hkrati pa z delom z lesom želim pri otrocih spodbuditi njihovo motoriko. Zato sem se odločila, da bomo izdelali motorično tablo iz lesa, ki bo krepila otrokovo fino in grobo motoriko. Iz lesa se da marsikaj izdelati. To so dokazali že otroci, stari od 4 do 6 let. V vrtcu Jevnica smo se lotili izdelave motorične table. S tem bi radi pokazali in dokazali, da lahko tudi otroci izdelujejo vse mogoče stvari iz lesa. Pred izdelovanjem sem vzgojiteljem vrtca Litija razdelila anketne vprašalnike, s pomočjo katerih sem želela izvedeti, kako in koliko uporabljajo les. Preko z anketo pridobljenih odgovorov sem ugotovila, da se večina vzgojiteljev ne poslužuje lesa kot materiala za izdelovanje izdelkov, ampak za vključevanje v igro z nestrukturiranim materialom. Kot razloge za neuporabo lesa navajajo poškodbe, neznanje pri obdelavi, starost otrok itd. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala razvoj motorike, uporabo lesa in orodij, s katerimi so otroci obdelovali les, kako poteka projektno delo v vrtcu in najpomembnejše, da je izdelovanje table igra, ki sodi v tehnično vzgojo. V empiričnem delu sem opisala dejavnosti, s pomočjo katerih smo spoznali les kot material in izdelali motorično tablo. Dejavnosti sem izvajala v skupini Jurčki z 22 otroki, starimi od 4 do 6 let. V sklopu dejavnosti smo izvajali projektno delo, preko katerega so otroci samostojno raziskovali, podajali ideje, reševali morebitne probleme, urili lastno domišljijo in pridobivali nove izkušnje. Na podlagi opazovanja otrok pri igri z motorično tablo je vidno, da so otroci pri igrah uživali, se medsebojno spodbujali, pomagali pri morebitnih težavah itd. Motorična tabla je otrokom doprinesla novo znanje in tudi medsebojno sodelovanje, kjer so otroci kljub urjenju motorike pridobival tudi na socialnem področju. Z napisano diplomsko nalogo želim vse vzgojitelje spodbuditi, da pričnejo z obdelavo lesa, kajti otroci ob tem materialu neizmerno uživajo. Ob tem pa se že veselim naslednjega tehničnega projekta.

Keywords:les, obdelava lesa, motorika, projektno delo, izdelava motorične table, vrtec
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[L. Prettner]
Number of pages:V, 82 str., IV
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:12113225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.12.2018
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Secondary language

Title:From the idea to the product in the process of creating and testing a motor skills board
In this thesis I want to present project work through which a child gets familiar with a new material – wood. Quite a number of educators have problems with treating new materials and working with them. At the same time I would like to stimulate the children’s motor function by working with wood. Thus I decided we would make a motor board from wood that will strengthen children’s fine and gross motor skills. Many a thing can be made from wood. This was already proven by children aged 4 to 6. We began making the motor board in the kindergarten in Jevnica. By doing that we wanted to show and prove that children can make various things from wood as well. Before doing this the educators of the kindergarten Litija were given the questionnaire which helped me learn about how and how much they use wood. Having the answers to this questionnaire I found out that the majority of the educators do not use wood as a material for making products but they incorporate it in playing with unstructured material. They list reasons such as injuries, not knowing how to treat it, the children’s age and others for not using wood. In the theoretical part of this thesis I described the development of motor function, the use of wood and tools used by the children to work with wood, how the project work took place and, most importantly, that the making of the board is a game, which is a part of technical education. In the empirical part of it I described the activities which were used to learn about wood as a material and to make the motor board. The activities were performed in the group called ‘Jurčki’ with 22 children, aged 4 to 6. Through these activities we carried out the project work where the children autonomously researched, shared ideas, solved potential problems, trained their own imagination and gained new experience. Based on observation of children playing with the game, I came to the conclusion that they enjoyed the game, encouraged and helped each other while playing, etc. The game contributed new knowledge as well as mutual cooperation where kids gained not only motor but also social skills By writing this thesis I want to encourage all educators to begin working with wood, because the children enjoy using this material immensely. At the same time I am already looking forward to the next technical project.

Keywords:pre-school child, engineering, predšolski otrok, tehnika

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