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Ovrednotenje kakovosti podiplomskega študijskega programa Radiološka tehnologija na Zdravstveni fakulteti Univerze Ljubljana z vidika študentov : magistrsko delo
Čebulin, Marinka
Hlebec, Valentina
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Starc, Tina
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Uvod: Izobraževalne ustanove morajo nuditi kakovostno izobraževanje, saj študentje pričakujejo, da bodo v času izobraževanja doživeli transformacijo (kakovostno službo). Kakovost študija ne pomeni samo, koliko študentov je uspešno končalo študij, ampak tudi znanje, ki ga študentje pridobijo v času študija. Kakovost študija je tako odvisna od študenta kot tudi profesorja, saj se od profesorja pričakuje kakovostno izvajanje predavanj vse bolj številčnejše populacije, ki pogostokrat nima zastavljenega ustreznega cilja. Potrebno je kakovostno načrtovanje izobraževalnega procesa ter nameniti pozornost dejavnikom, ki vplivajo na dosežen cilj v izobraževanju. Dejavnikov kakovosti študija je več, mednje se umeščajo: organizacijski dejavniki, tehnološki dejavniki, profesorji, študentje, didaktični dejavniki, predavanje, učenje motivacija, vzdušje na fakulteti, itd. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je opredeliti pojem kakovosti študija, ugotoviti, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na kakovost izobraževanja, in s katerimi ovirami se najpogosteje srečujejo študentje v času izobraževanja. Metode dela: V prvem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili teoretična izhodišča pojma kakovosti, opisali podiplomski študijski program radiološke tehnologije, ovire, ki se pojavljajo v času izobraževanja in predstavili do sedaj opravljene raziskave na temo kakovosti študija. Kot merski inštrument smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki smo ga posredovali dvaindevetdesetim študentom. V vprašalniku nas je zanimalo, kakšni so bili razlogi za vpis v podiplomski študijski program radiološke tehnologije, kaj jim pomeni visoka kakovost študija, ali se zavedajo svoje vloge pri uresničevanju kakovosti študija, kaj jim bi omogočilo bolj kakovosten študij in s katerimi ovirami se najpogosteje srečujejo v času izobraževanja. Anketni vprašalnik je bil izveden v elektronski obliki s pomočjo programa 1ka. Pridobljene rezultate analize smo analizirali s programom SPSS in jih nato primerjali z dotedanjimi raziskavami s tovrstno tematiko. Rezultati: Anketo je rešilo 60 študentov/k podiplomskega študijskega programa radiološke tehnologije. Študentje so zelo visoko ocenili osebni pomen kakovosti študija (skupna ocena 3,82). Študentje so v času študija pripravljeni sodelovati pri uresničevanju kakovosti izobraževanja (skupna ocena 3,82). Bolj kakovosten študij jim predstavlja več izpitnih rokov skozi celotno študijsko leto (povprečje 2,92). Najpogostejše ovire, s katerimi se študentje srečujejo, so: pomanjkanje časa (81,6 %), nezmožnost zaposlitve z ustrezno izobrazbo (47,4 %) in ni podpore delodajalca (42,1 %). Razprava in zaključek: Raziskava kakovosti podiplomskega študijskega programa radiološke tehnologije na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov je pokazala, da je s strani študentov ocenjeno, da je študijski program zasnovan kakovostno. Največji težavi študentom predstavljata pomanjkanje časa pomanjkanje motivacije (študentje namreč menijo, da izobrazba magister/ica inženir/ka radiološke tehnologije v profesionalnem razvoju nima pomena in vloge na delovnem mestu).. Smiselno bi bilo razmisliti o raziskavi uvedbe študija na daljavo in o formalni urejenosti pri napredovanju in opravljanju poklica z nazivom magister inženir/ka radiološke tehnologije.
merjenje kakovosti
podiplomski študijski program Radiološke tehnologije
ovire študija
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Master's thesis/paper
ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
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Evaluation of the quality of the postgraduate course in radiologic technology at the Faculty of health sciences of the University of Ljubljana from the students' viewpoint : master thesis
Introduction: Educational establishments have to offer good quality education since the students expect to experience transformation during their studies (good employment). Quality must not only be understood as the number of students who successfully finished their study programme but also as the knowledge gained by the students during their time of studying. Consequently, the quality of a particular study programme depends on both - the student and the professor. High quality professor’s classes are actually crucial since the population of students increases and they often study without any specific goals. Therefore, quality planning of educational process is highly important, as well as to focus on the determinants that affect educational goals. These determinants are numerous – organizational and technological determinants, professors, students, didactic determinants, classes, studying, motivation, faculty spirit, etc. Purpose: The main purpose of this thesis is to determine the concept of quality studies and find the determinants that affect the quality, as well as the obstacles that the students may occur during their study programme. Methodology: The first part of the thesis describes theoretical concepts of quality, presents master’s degree programme of radiologic technology, describes the obstacles occurring during the studies and presents similar research papers on the topic discussed in this thesis. We used a questionnaire which was forwarded to 92 students. We addressed the students with the questions on the reasons for joining master’s degree programme of radiologic technology, the importance of high level quality of studies and their role in it, what would improve the level of knowledge in study programme and the obstacles which may occur. The questionnaire was filled online on 1ka web page. The analysis was made with SPSS and the results were compared to those in other similar researches. Results: 60 students of master’s degree programme of radiologic technology filled in the questionnaire. The importance of high quality studies was highly graded (grade 3.82). The students are willing to cooperate in promoting the high quality studies (grade 3.82). One of the determiners for high quality studies is more exam dates throughout the year (average 2.92). The most common obstacles during the studies are: lack of time 81.6 %, not being able to get a job with their education 47.4 %, and no support from the employer 42.1 %. Conclusion: The research on the quality studies of master’s degree programme of radiologic technology shows that the students rate the programme as good. The biggest problem occurs when they try to overcome the obstacles – lack of time and the fact that the degree does not get the proper acknowledgment in the field. Thus the students’ lack of motivation for education. It would be wise to consider e-learning and researching the field of employment for the students of master’s degree programme of radiologic technology.
quality measuring
master’s degree programme of radiologic technology
obstacles during the studies
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