
Regionalizem v mednarodnem trgovinskem režimu: grožnja ali spodbuda multilateralizmu?
ID Cerar, Marko (Author), ID Bučar, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mednarodna trgovina krepi meddržavno sodelovanje in gospodarsko rast. Zato se je po koncu 2. svetovne vojne začel oblikovati multilateralni trgovinski režim, ki bi omogočil cenejše in lažje trgovanje med državami. Za glavne podpornice vzpostavitve režima so veljale razvite države. Vzporedno so se začeli pojavljati tudi regionalni trgovinski sporazumi med dvema ali več državami. Ti so prvotno veljali kot pomoč državam v razvoju. Predvsem v zadnjih desetletjih pa je bilo vse več regionalnih sporazumov sklenjenih prav med največjimi zagovornicami multilateralnega režima, medtem ko so pogajanja na multilateralni ravni zastala. Cilj magistrskega dela je bil skozi analizo pogajanj in končnih dogovorov na multilateralni (Urugvajski krog) in regionalni ravni (Severnoameriški prostotrgovinski sporazum – NAFTA), ki so potekala sočasno, ugotoviti, ali si razvite države, oz. v sodelovanju z omejenim številom držav v razvoju, omogočajo med seboj nekaj, česar ne bi delile z vsemi državami, ki sodelujejo v multilateralnih pogajanjih. Ugotovitve kažejo, da so razlogi, zakaj se razvite države odločajo za regionalne sporazume številni. Povezani so z geostrateškimi in tudi povsem ekonomskimi interesi, ki nakazujejo na protekcionistično držo razvitih držav. Ker vsak sporazum zahteva tudi kompromisne rešitve, se je izkazalo, da tudi države v razvoju niso bile pripravljene sprejeti nekaterih zavez, ki se tičejo prostotrgovinskih sporazumov. Torej bilo bi preveč poenostavljeno govoriti, da razvite države vstopajo v regionalne sporazume izključno zaradi protekcionizma pred državami v razvoju.

Keywords:multilateralni trgovinski režim, regionalni trgovinski sporazumi, Urugvajski krog pogajanj, NAFTA
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104064 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35858525 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2018
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Title:Regionalism in international trade regime: a threat or a friend of multilateralism?
International trade strengthens interstate cooperation and economic growth. Therefore, a multilateral trade regime was created at the end of the Second World War that could allow cheaper and easier trade between countries. The main supporters of the establishment of the regime were the developed countries. At the same time, regional trade agreements between two or more countries began to appear. They were originally considered as an aid to developing countries. However, more and more regional agreements have been concluded among the advocates of the multilateral regime in recent years. Moreover, multilateral negotiations have stalled. The objective of the master's thesis was to determine through the analysis of negotiations and final agreements at the multilateral (Uruguay Round) and regional level (North American Free Trade Agreement – NAFTA) whether the developed countries, or in cooperation with a limited number of developing countries, offer one another what they would not share with all the countries involved in multilateral negotiations. I have found that there are many reasons why the developed countries decide to enter regional agreements. They are connected with both geostrategic and purely economic interests, which also points to the protectionist attitude of the developed countries. Since each agreement also requires compromise, one can also observe that the developing countries were not prepared to accept certain commitments expected within free trade agreements. So it would be too simplistic to say that the developed countries enter into regional agreements exclusively because of protectionism against the developing countries.

Keywords:multilateral trade regime, regional trade agreements, Uruguay round, NAFTA

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