
Povezanost čustvenega procesiranja, stopnje empatije ter pozitivnih in negativnih čustveno-kognitivnih razsežnosti odnosa s starši : magistrsko delo
ID Rus, Aja Eva (Author), ID Cvetek, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu je avtorica raziskovala povezanost med čustvenim procesiranjem, stopnjo empatije ter pozitivnimi in negativnimi čustveno-kognitivnimi razsežnostmi odnosa s starši oz. značilnostmi navezanosti na starše. Slednji so komunikacija, zaupanje, odtujenost in jeza. V raziskavo je vključila 210 udeležencev, starih med 20 in 65 let. Za namen raziskave je uporabila vprašalnik čustvenega procesiranja (EPS), ki meri poddimenzije čustvena izraznost, čustveno presojanje in čustvena stabilnost. Uporabila je tudi vprašalnik količnik empatije (EQ). Za merjenje pozitivnih in negativnih čustveno-kognitivnih razsežnosti odnosa s starši je uporabila vprašalnik starševske in vrstniške navezanosti (IPPA), kjer je uporabila del, ki se navezuje na starše, za očeta in mamo. Empatija in mere navezanosti s starši so se v raziskavi povezovale v zelo majhni meri, prav tako povezanosti niso statistično pomembne. Med čustvenim procesiranjem in merami navezanosti na očeta in mamo se je za statistično pomembno izkazala povezanost na strani matere, medtem ko povezanost z očetom obstaja, vendar ni statistično pomembna. Poddimenzija čustvena stabilnost in mere navezanosti za oba starša se statistično pomembno povezujejo, prav tako pa se pomembno povezujejo čustvena izraznost in komunikacija ter odtujenost na strani matere. Ostale poddimenzije čustvenega procesiranja se povezujejo z merami navezanosti, vendar te povezanosti niso statistično pomembne. Nadalje je avtorica raziskovala povezanost čustvenega procesiranja in empatije ter ugotovila, da se vse poddimenzije čustvenega procesiranja pomembno povezujejo z empatijo, zato lahko rečemo, da obstaja trend, da posamezniki, ki doživljajo boljšo čustveno izraznost, boljše čustveno presojanje in večjo čustveno stabilnost, izražajo večjo stopnjo empatije. Zaradi načina zbiranja udeležencev je reprezentativnost vzorca vprašljiva. Vprašanje se poraja tudi, ali so udeleženci pri intimnejših vprašanjih odgovarjali resnično.

Keywords:čustva, čustveno procesiranje, empatija, navezanost, oče, mati, medosebni odnosi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. E. Rus]
Number of pages:XIII, 114 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104062 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7973466 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The relation between emotional processing, the empathy quotient and the positive and negative affective-cognitive dimension of relationship with parents
In this master’s thesis, the author researches the link between emotional processing, level of empathy, and positive and negative cognitive-emotional aspects of relationships with parents or the characteristics of parent attachment. The following are communication, trust, anger, and alienation. The research included 210 participants aged 20-65. For the purpose of this research, the Emotional Processing Scale (EPS) was used, which measures the following subdimensions: emotional expression, appraisal of emotions, and emotional stability. The author also used the Empathy Quotient (EQ) questionnaire. To measure positive and negative cognitive-emotional aspects of a relationship with parents, the author used the Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) questionnaire, from which she used the part concerning parents. Empathy and the level of attachment to parents proved to be linked only minimally and the links are thus not statistically significant. For emotional processing and levels of attachment to fathers and mothers, attachment to mothers proved to be statistically important, whereas even though attachment to fathers does exist, it is not statistically significant. There is a significantly important link between the subdimension of emotional stability and the level of attachment to both parents, as well as a link between emotional expression and communication and alienation from the mother. Other subdimensions of emotional processing are linked to levels of attachment, but these are not statistically significant. The author continued with researching the link between emotional processing and empathy and discovered that every subdimension of emotional processing has a significant link to empathy, which is why it can be concluded that there is a trend that individuals who experience better emotional expressiveness, better appraisal of emotions and higher emotional stability, also express a higher level of empathy. Nevertheless, due to the mode of participant selection, the representation of the sample is questionable. Another question that arises is if participants replied to more intimate questions truthfully.

Keywords:emotions, emotional processing, empathy, attachment, father, mother, interpersonal relations

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