
Količina pridelka in vsebnost nekaterih metabolitov v plodovih treh sort cepljene paprike (Capsicum annuum L.), gojene v rastlinjaku
ID Jeršan, Ina (Author), ID Kacjan Maršić, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Gojenje paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) v zavarovanem prostoru poteka pogosto ob neupoštevanju kolobarja, kar povzroči razvoj talnih bolezni in škodljivcev. Za zmanjšanje tovrstnih težav se je kot alternativna rešitev pojavilo cepljenje plodovk. Namen naše raziskave je bil primerjati pridelek, morfološke lastnosti (dolžina in širina ploda, vsebnost skupnih topnih snovi, debelina perikarpa in barva ploda) ter vsebnost posameznih sladkorjev, kislin in fenolnih snovi, kakor tudi skupnih sladkorjev, kislin in njihovo razmerje v plodovih cepljenih in necepljenih rastlin treh sort paprike 'Bagoly', 'Belladonna' in 'Red Knight', ki smo jih cepili na podlago 'Scarface'. Cilj naloge je bil ugotoviti skladnost podlag in sort, na osnovi kvantitativne in kvalitativne analize pridelka. Ugotovili smo, da je cepljenje pozitivno vplivalo na povprečno maso plodov samo pri sorti 'Red Knight', hkrati pa je značilno zmanjšalo pridelek plodov. Na morfološke lastnosti plodov cepljenje ni vplivalo pri nobeni od obravnavanih sort. Cepljenje je povečalo debelino perikarpa pri sortah 'Bagoly' in 'Belladonna'. Na vsebnost glukoze in fruktoze v plodovih paprike je cepljenje pozitivno vplivalo le pri sorti 'Bagoly'. Na vsebnost saharoze v plodovih cepljenje ni imelo vpliva ali je vplivalo negativno. Cepljenje tudi ni vplivalo na vsebnost jabolčne, citronske, šikimske in askorbinske kisline pri vseh obravnavanih sortah. Na vsebnost fumarne kisline je cepljenje imelo negativen vpliv pri sorti 'Red Knight'. Pri ostalih sortah ni bilo značilnih razlik v vsebnosti fumarne kisline glede na cepljenje.

Keywords:vrtnarstvo, paprika, cepljenje, sorte, primarni metaboliti, sekundarni metaboliti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[I. Jeršan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104042 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9052793 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.10.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Yield quantity and the content of certain metabolites in fruits of three cultivars of grafted bell peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in the greenhouse
Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) cultivation in the protected areas and greenhouses often take place without considering crop rotation,which resulting in soil pests and diseases. In order to reduce this problem, vegetable grafting apeared as one of the alternative solution. The aim of our study was to compare the yield, morphological traits of fruit (lenght and width of fruit, total soluble solids and fruit colour), as well as the content of individual sugars, organic acids and phenolic compounds, and also the total sugars and acids content and the sugar/acid ratio, in fruits of grafted and ungrafted plants of three bell pepper cultivars 'Bagoly', 'Belladonna' and 'Red Knight', which were grafted onto 'Scarface' rootstock. We found positive effect of grating onto average fruit mass only with cv. 'Red Knight', and at this cultivars the total yield was lower at grafted plants compared to ungrafted plants. Grafting had no effect of morphological traits of fruits in any of tested cultivars. Grafting increase the pericarp thickness of fruits of cvs. 'Bagoly' and 'Belladonna' and had positive effect on the content of glucose and fructose in fruits of bell pepper of 'Bagoly'. Grafting had no or negative effect on the content of sucrose. Grafting didn't affected the content of malic, citric, shikimic and ascorbic acid in fruits of at all tested cultivars. On the content of fumaric acid, grafting influenced negatively, but only at cv. 'Red knight'. At other cultivars, no significant impact of grafting on fumaric acid content was found.

Keywords:vegetable, pepper, grafting, cultivars, primary metabolites, secondary metabolites

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