
Preporod etičnega v literaturi : magistrsko delo
ID Babič, Nadja (Author), ID Virk, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V pričujoči nalogi je naš poglavitni cilj raziskati že obstoječe možne povezave med etiko in literaturo ter ugotoviti, ali obstaja način, kako bi se ju dalo še plodnejše povezati, ter seveda zakaj, če, bi se nam to zdelo smotrno in potrebno. Najprej skušamo jasneje začrtati polje etike, kot jo razumemo danes, ter pokazati, kako do nje najpogosteje pristopamo in zakaj se nam ti običajni pristopi ne zdijo več najustreznejši. Pri tem se nekoliko oddaljimo od polja same literature ter za trenutek stopimo v območje praktične filozofije, deloma tudi politike. Zanima nas namreč, do kod nas je tako soočanje z etičnimi vprašanji uspelo pripeljati doslej, zakaj je bilo za razvoj etike to nujno potrebno, in pa zakaj se nam zdi, da se je tako soočanje morda na nek način znašlo v slepi ulici. Prav temu skušamo nato poiskati vsaj delno alternativo. To alternativo iščemo predvsem v drugačnem načinu dojemanja literature in položaja, ki ga je ta zmožna zasedati v življenju ljudi, temelji pa v veliki meri tudi na predpostavki, da bi bilo morda potrebno že samo polje etike razumeti in zastaviti širše, kot smo ga bili večinoma vajeni doslej; v kolikor nam je seveda v interesu, da bi postalo ukvarjanje z etično dimenzijo človeka in etičnimi vprašanji bolj učinkovito in temu primerno tudi bolj razširjeno. Posebej izpostavimo tiste specifične vidike etike in besedne umetnosti, zaradi katerih se nam zdi, da bi lahko ravno književnost razumeli kot najprimernejši prostor za soočanje in spopadanje z etičnimi globinami človeka. Nato se v zelo strnjenem pregledu posvetimo primerom različnih odnosov, ki so se skozi zgodovino že spletli med literaturo in etiko, ter skušamo razbrati, kaj njihov uspeh ali neuspeh pomeni za naše trenutno prizadevanje. Nadejamo se prikazati, da dosedanja razhajanje in razprtije med etiko in literaturo (vsaj v teoriji) ne predstavljajo večjih preprek za literarno-etični "projekt", ki ga bomo skušali vsaj v grobem začrtati.

Keywords:literatura in etika, praktična filozofija, magistrska dela
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Babič]
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104029 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67641186 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2018
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In the following work, our main goal is to examine the already existing possible relations between ethics and literature and to establish if a more fruitful way of allying them could be found, as well as to answer why, if found possible, this should be estimated to be both a reasonable and necessary choice. First of all we try to seize and explain the field of the ethics, as we understand it today and to show how the most common ways of approaching it might be seen as insufficient. For a moment, this quest takes us a step away from a strictly literary topic in the land of practical philosophy and at least partly in the land of politics. Here we examine the achievements regarding the ethics that have been accomplished in the philosophical and political area, and try to show why we tend to feel that perhaps they are only capable to take as so far, and that an alternative way to deal with the ethical dimension of the human life deserves to be explored. As we shall see, this alternative could be sought in a different understanding of literature and its place in the human life. However, this also implicates the idea that the ethical field itself should undergo some changes and possibly become broader than it has usually been up till now; that of course, if we find it in our interest that the questions and dilemmas regarding the ethics become more vastly recognized and discussed. We dedicate special attention to those aspects of literature and the ethics, due to which we feel that literary composition can be understood as an (almost) unique space where we can face the ethical abyss of human nature and deal with it. Finally, we overview and examine a variety of examples of different relations that have had the chance to form between literature and the ethics during history, in order to answer how and if their failures and success can impact our current efforts. Hoping that it will become clear that all the existent and historical divergences between the two of them should not have (at least in theory) any fatal consequences for the ethical literary project, that we try to initiate.

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