
Ugotavljanje učinkov fizioterapevtskih postopkov za zmanjševanje dejavnikov tveganja za padce pri pacientih po možganski kapi - pregled literature : diplomsko delo
ID Gajser, Tadej (Author), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Uvod: Možganska kap je eden izmed vodilnih razlogov za smrt po svetu. Je tudi najpomembnejši dejavnik pri nastanku trajnih telesnih in kognitivnih omejitev. Pri bolnikih po možganski kapi so padci približno dvakrat pogostejši v primerjavi z zdravo populacijo in so eden izmed najpogostejših zapletov med rehabilitacijo. Zaradi spodbujanja bolnikovega gibanja in njegove neodvisnosti se lahko tveganje za padec še poveča. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na osnovi pregleda literature ugotoviti učinke fizioterapevtskih postopkov na zmanjševanje dejavnikov tveganja za padce pri pacientih po možganski kapi. Metode dela: Pregledane so bile podatkovne zbirke The Cochrane Library, PEDro in Pubmed. Članki so bili iskani v angleškem jeziku. Vključene so bile randomizirane kontrolne študije, ki so preučevale paciente v kroničnem obdobju po možganski kapi. Rezultati: Vključenih je bilo deset raziskav. Dve raziskavi sta ugotavljali učinke fizioterapevtskih postopkov na zmanjševanje padcev in na zmanjševanje dejavnikov tveganja le-teh, ostalih osem pa le na zmanjševanje dejavnikov tveganja za padce. V obeh omenjenih raziskavah poročajo o zmanjšanju števila padcev. Preostale raziskave pa so ugotovile izboljšanje ravnotežja, hitrosti hoje in zmanjšanje strahu pred padci. Zaključek: Za učinkovito obravnavo po možganski kapi je potreben večkomponentni pristop. Učinkovite kombinacije fizioterapevtskih postopkov so: vadba za povečanje mišične zmogljivosti udov in trupa, vadba ravnotežja in hoje, vadba z navidezno resničnostjo, tai chi. Smiselno je vključiti tudi edukacijo o preventivi padcev. Za natančnejše ugotovitve o njihovi učinkovitosti so potrebne dodatne raziskave, predvsem raziskave višje kakovosti in s preverjanjem dolgoročnih učinkov.

Keywords:možganska kap, dejavniki tveganja, padci, fizioterapevtski postopki
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104009 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5498987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
GAJSER, Tadej, 2018, Ugotavljanje učinkov fizioterapevtskih postopkov za zmanjševanje dejavnikov tveganja za padce pri pacientih po možganski kapi - pregled literature : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Identification of effects of physiotherapeutic interventions to decrease fall risk factors in patients after stroke – literature review : diploma work
Introduction: Stroke is one of leading causes of death worldwide. It is also the most important factor in the development of permanent physical and cognitive impairment. In patients with stroke, falls are approximately twice as likely to be compared to a healthy population and are one of the most common complications during rehabilitation. In order to encourage the patient's movement and independence, the risk of a fall may increase. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to determine the effects of physiotherapeutic interventions on reducing the risk factors for falls in patients after a stroke, based on a review of professional and scientific literature. Methods: The working method was a literature review. The databases that were reviewed: The Cochrane Library, PEDro and Pubmed. Articles were searched in English language. We included randomized control studies, with patients in the chronic period following stroke. Results: The review included ten studies. Two studies examined the effects of physiotherapy interventions on reducing falls and on reducing risk factors for them, while the other eight only focused on reducing the risk factors for falls. In both studies, there was a decrease in the number of falls. The remaining researches found improvement in balance, walking speed and reduction of fear of falls. Conclusion: A multi-component approach is needed to effectively deal with stroke. Effective combinations of physiotherapeutic techniques are: exercise to increase the muscular capabilities of the limbs and torso, balance and walking exercise, exercise with virtual reality and tai chi. It is also worthwhile to include education on the prevention of falls. For more accurate observations on the efficacy of these, additional research is required, in particular research of higher quality and long term verification of effects.

Keywords:stroke, risk factors, falls, physiotherapeutic interventions

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