
Vrednotenje azijskih opcij s Hull-Whitovo metodo : magistrsko delo
ID Seljak, Samo (Author), ID Perman, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Opcije so pogodbe, ki spadajo med izvedene vrednostne papirje in so v zadnjih 40. letih doživele izjemno rast. Azijske opcije sodijo med opcije odvisne od poti, saj je njihova vrednost odvisna tudi od povprečne vrednosti, ki jo zavzame temelj tekom trajanja opcije, kar izdatno oteži njihovo vrednotenje. V delu je predstavljeno osnovno matematično ogrodje, potrebno za razvoj teorije vrednotenja opcij. Opisana sta Black-Scholesov model in binomski model za vrednotenje klasičnih opcij. Slednji je modificiran v metodo za vrednotenje azijskih opcij, ki sta jo prvič opisala Hull in White v [8]. Pri vsakem vozlišču binomskega drevesa je dodana tabela vrednosti povprečja. V izogib eksponentnemu naraščanju velikosti tabele v je ta omejena na manjše število reprezentativnih vrednosti, s katerimi so interpolirane manjkajoče vrednosti. Reševanje nato poteka s standardno rekurzijo proti korenu drevesa in želeni začetni vrednosti opcije. Napaka, ki se pojavi zaradi interpolacije, je omejena zaradi zadostnega števila reprezentativnih vrednosti. Predstavljena je učinkovita implementacija te metode, njeno delovanje pa je še dodatno izboljšano z Richardsonovo ekstrapolacijo. Metoda je nato testirana na primerih, kjer so znani analitični rezultati za vrednost azijskih opcij, in se izkaže za izjemno hitro in natančno.

Keywords:azijske opcije, binomska metoda, Richardsonova ekstrapolacija, vrednotenje opcij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-104003 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:18459737 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
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Title:Valuation of Asian options with the Hull-Whitovo method
Options are a type of financial derivative that has enjoyed an immense boom in the past 40 years. Asian option are a class of path-dependent options, whose payoff depends on the average value of the underlying asset during the option's duration. This feature drastically increases the difficulty of their valuation. In this work, a basic mathematical framework is presented to develop the classic theory of option valuation, and both the Black-Scholes model binomial tree approach are described. The latter is then modified into a method to value Asian options using an idea first presented by Hull and White in [8], where a table is added to each node of the tree that tracks the potential values of the average. To avoid the exponential increase in size each table only contains a small set of representative values, which are used to interpolate the missing values. Valuation then proceeds via standard backward recursion towards the base of the tree and the desired initial option price. The error incurred by using interpolation is mitigated by having a sufficient number of representative values. An efficient implementation of this method is presented and its performance further improved with the use of Richardson extrapolation. The method is then tested on options for which the correct value is known analytically and proves to be both fast and precise.

Keywords:Asian options, binomial method, Richardson extrapolation, option valuation

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