
Etika odgovornosti : magistrsko delo
ID Cesar, Dejan (Author), ID Dolenc, Bogdan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo predstavili etiko odgovornosti glede na razumevanje dveh avtorjev - Hansa Jonasa in Dietricha Bonhoefferja. Etiko odgovornosti vsak od njiju prepoznava na drugačen način, vendar z enakim poslanstvom. Bonhoeffer kot odgovornost za drugega, medtem ko Jonas kot odgovornost za vse zaradi drugega. Kot temeljno izhodišče je obema osebna odgovornost, dolžnost, svoboda, drugi in pa iskanje notranjih temeljev za nravno dobra dejanja. Jonas sicer ne postavi konkretnih smernic, izpostavi pa problem pomanjkanja odgovornosti v tehnološki dobi in nakaže določene možnosti v nereligioznem smislu s ponovno razjasnitvijo teoloških temeljev tradicije. Bonhoeffer za odgovorno dejanje konkretno postavi v ospredje osebo Jezusa Kristusa in posameznika. Jezusovemu dejanju smrti postavi še dodaten, etični pomen, poleg kulturnega, ki ga je pojasnil Mircea Eliade. Jezusova smrt na križu je v polnosti svobodno namestništvo za drugega. V uvodnem delu smo se še ustavili pri izvoru etike, človeku ter njegovem smislu, definiciji dobrega in kaj dobro je ter dolžnostim. Prav tako smo izpostavili pojem svobode, na katerega se v nadaljevanju Bonhoeffer še posebej opira, medtem ko Jonas daje diktaturi do določene mere prednost nad svobodo. Oba glavna avtorja izpostavita osebno odgovornost in dolžnost posameznika kot predstavnika celotnega človeštva. Njuna etika je osvežitev v rigorističnem svetu pravil, kjer je napredek cilj, človek pa le sredstvo. Človek namreč v modernem svetu zaradi pretiranega občutja nesmisla in poslanstva izgublja etično usmerjenost, tradicija pa mu ne daje več odgovorov. Jonas tako konkretno apelira na družbeno oblast, naj ponovno postavi etične cilje in omejitve, Bonhoeffer pa na posameznika in na Cerkev, da tradicijo osveži in prilagodi izzivom novega veka.

Keywords:odgovornost, svobodna volja, dolžnost, etika, drugi.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Cesar]
Number of pages: VII, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103985 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:7972442 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Ethics of responsibility
In this work we have presented ethics of responsibility according to the understanding of two main authors – Hans Jonas and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Each of them has a unique understanding of ethics of responsibility but with the same mission. Bonhoeffer defines it as responsibility for the other and Jonas defines it as responsibility for everything because of the others. As main source they both recognise responsibility, duty, freedom, the other before me and search for internal foundations of the absolute good. Jonas does not give specific guidelines, however he does present a lack of responsibility in technological era and also presents some options in non-religious sense with re-definition of theological foundaments of tradition. Bonhoeffer as a role model for ethical deed presents the persona of Jesus Christ and individual. His act of death is given a seperate meaning beside the cultural one that was presented by Mircea Eliade and his scapegoat. Jesuses death on the cross is freely acted role for the other. In the beggining of the work we presented sources of the ethics, man and his purpose, definition of good and of course mans duty. In addition we presented the concept of free act (freedom), which Bonhoeffer put into the center of his thoughts. Jonas however gives dictatorship some precedent against freedom and free act. Both of them duty and responsibility of individual as representative of entire humanity. Their ethics is in the rigoristic world of set rules, where a man is means of achiving the goal a nice refreshment. A man lost his sense of purpose in the modern world and with that his ethical view, tradition in itself has stayed behind and so gives him no true answers. Hans Jonas gives appeal to social powers to re-establish ethical purpose and failsafes as for Bonhoeffer, he appeals to every individual and Church to revive tradition and to evolve it so it can overcome challenges of the new era.

Keywords:responsibility, free will, duty, ethics, other.

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