
Raznolikost in postopnost vpeljevanja vsebin v otroški nogomet od 6. do 11. leta : magistrsko delo
ID Drobnič, Matej (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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Raznolikost in postopnost v vpeljavi vsebin v otroški nogomet sta bistveni zadevi, s katerima otrokom omogočamo zdrav, pester, vsestranski in dolgoročen gibalni razvoj. Vemo namreč, da se gibalno znanje zaradi pospešenega biološko-telesnega razvoja,najhitreje kopiči prav pri otrocih, zato moramo vsi trenerji, ki se ukvarjamo z mladimi športniki upoštevati, da so kakovost, postopnost in raznolikost učenja, ključni dejavniki s katerimi lahko zagotovimo učinkovitost vadbenega procesa in hkrati kakovost otrokovega duševno-gibalnega razvoja. Pri razvoju mladega nogometaša moramo stremeti k ustvarjanju dobrih osnov in trdnih temeljev, ki mu bodo omogočali, da se skozi leta vadbenega procesa čim bolj približa modelu sodobnega nogometaša, ob tem pa šport dojema kot vrednoto, ga spoštuje in v njem uživa. Prav otroci so tisti, ki lahko zaradi svoje razigranosti, radovednosti in veselja do gibanja, neumorno spoznavajo nove elemente ter jih znova in znova ponavljajo. Ob primernih dražljajih jih tako utrjujejo v gibalni program, kar jim omogoča, da v svoje znanje zaupajo in ga neprenehoma nadgrajujejo. Vse omenjeno od trenerja zahteva, da pri upravljanju vadbenega procesa deluje načrtno, o njem neprestano razmišlja, ga s primernimi vsebinami osmišlja nogometašem ter postopno vpeljuje nove, vedno zahtevnejše elemente. To je mogoče le, ko ima trener dovolj izhodiščnega znanja, da k delu pristopa sistematično, ima izdelano vizijo razvoja nogometaša, pripravlja načrte za posamezna obdobja vadbenega procesa ter s svojim vodenjem na igrišču uresničuje načrtovano. S tem namenom, smo v magistrskem delu predstavili potek otrokovega duševno-telesnega razvoja, kompleksnost razvoja njegovih gibalnih znanj in gibalno-funkcionalnih sposobnosti, usmeritve sodobnega nogometa in model sodobnega nogometaša, postopnost učenja tehnično-taktičnih elementov ter najpomembnejše lastnosti in odlike trenerja mladih. Teoretične vsebine smo obogatili s konkretnim načrtom vpeljevanja vsebin po starostnih sklopih ter temu dodali tudi številne praktične prikaze vaj, kjer smo poleg poteka vadbe opisali in opredelili tudi širši namen načrtovanja, sestavljanja in določanja vadbenih ciljev.

Keywords:nogomet, otroci, načrtno delo, metodika učenja, gibalni razvoj, tehnika, taktika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103978 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5428913 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Diversity and graduality of content implementation in children's football from age 6 to 11
Diversity and graduality of content implementation in children's football are two of most essential matters that enable children to enjoy healthy, diverse, versatile and long-term movement development. We know that movement knowledge accumulates fastest at children due to accelerated biological and physical development. That is why all coaches who are working with young athletes should bear in mind that quality, graduality and diversity of teaching are key factors that can guarantee the effectiveness of the training process and the quality of child's mental and physical development at the same time. In youth football player’s development we should strive to create good basics and solid foundations that will throughout the years of the training process enable him to get as close to the model of a modern footballer as possible, while he will perceive sport as a value, respect it and enjoy. Children are those who can, because of their playfulness, curiosity and joy of movement, tirelessly learn new elements and repeat them again and again. Through series of repetition they consolidate them in their motion programs, which enable them to trust in their knowledge and continuously improve it. According to all above, the coach is required to plan his work, constantly think about it, gradually implement new and more difficult elements and through his interpretation make it understandable to footballers. This is only possible when he has enough knowledge to systematically approach to work, has a vision of player’s development, prepares plans for different periods of training process and realizes the planned through his work on the field. For the purpose of this master's thesis we presented the course of a child's mental and physical development, complexity of developing his movement knowledge, motor and functional abilities, trends in modern football, the model of modern footballer, gradual teaching of technical and tactical elements, and main characteristics of a youth coach. Theoretical content was enriched with a concrete plan of content implementations through specific age groups in children's football and with number of practical exercises, where besides the course of the exercises, we also described and defined the purpose of planning, creating and setting the training objectives.

Keywords:football, children, planned work, learning methodology, development of movement, technique, tactics

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