
Priznavanje kompetenc in kvalifikacij v kontekstu globalnih migracij
ID Petelinek, Špela (Author), ID Kanjuo-Mrčela, Aleksandra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Realnost današnjega sveta je, da se veliko ljudi iz različnih razlogov odloči za selitev v tujino in s tem za iskanje zaposlitve zunaj držav, v katerih so pridobili izobrazbo in/ali delovne izkušnje. Pri tem pa se posamezniki pogosto znajdejo pred mnogimi ovirami. Enotni svetovni standardi za dosego določene izobrazbe ter priznanje izkušenj pravzaprav ne obstajajo. Posledično ima vsaka država (ali skupek držav v primeru Evropske unije in poenotenega bolonjskega sistema) postavljene svoje kriterije in zahteve. V nalogi tako preučujemo pomen vseživljenjskega učenja in znotraj tega izobraževanja odraslih. Opisani bodo trendi globalnih migracij, v okviru katerih bomo preučevali zaposljivost in socialno vključenost priseljencev. Slednja je zelo odvisna od časovnega trajanja bivanja v tujini in zato bomo pozornost usmerili na začasne migracije. Uporabili bomo veliko primerov, ki se nanašajo na priseljensko politiko v Kanadi ter znotraj tega na položaj priseljencev v državi. Tako bo mogoče sklepe drugih avtorjev povezati s konkretnimi ugotovnitvami iz izvedenih intervjujev s predstavniki organizacij za integracijo ter z rezultati ankete, ki je bila izvedena med specifično skupino priseljencev v Kanadi.

Keywords:priseljenci, globalizacija, vseživljenjsko učenje, izobraževanje odraslih, integracija, zaposlitev, feminizacija migracij, kvalifikacije, kompetence, Kanada.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103954 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35860061 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2018
PETELINEK, Špela, 2018, Priznavanje kompetenc in kvalifikacij v kontekstu globalnih migracij [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Recognition of competences and qualification in the context of global migrations
In reality of a world around us, a big number of people from different reasons decides to change their life environment, and move outside of the borders of their countries, where they had obtained their education and/or their work experiences. However, while moving, individuals often face many obstacles on their way. The common worldwide framework for valuarisation of achieved education and experiences do not exist. Consequentially every country (or a group of them, if we take for example bolonian system that has been established in the countries of European Union) has put in place its own system of specific demands and criteria, demanded from people in different professions, while entering the local labour market. Through the following research, the meaning of lifelong learning and adult education will be studied. The trends of global migrations will be explored, and in this context, we will analyse employment trends and social integration of immigrants. As the following two factors strongly depend on the period the time, the migration of individuals is expected to last, we shall put our special attention to temporary migrants. Threw all the research there will be many examples of immigration policies and experiences of individuals in Canada. The purpose of this is to obtain the information, which can be connected with specific findings of conducted interviews with representatives of selected organisations for integration, and as well with the findings of an online survey, conducted with a specific population of new immigrants in Quebec.

Keywords:immigrants, lifelong learning, adult education, integration, employment, feminisation of migrations, qualifications, competences, Canada.

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