
ID Meden, Klara (Author), ID Kajtna, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrskega dela je bil ugotoviti stanja stresa oz. pregorelosti pri športnih pedagogih v povezavi z odzivnostjo na zlorabe pri učencih. Zanimalo nas je, v kolikšni meri so športni pedagogi izpostavljeni sindromu pregorelosti, če in kako pogosto ter katere zlorabe prepoznavajo pri učencih, ali se na njih odzovejo (s prijavo) in najpomembnejše, kako njihova stanja pregorelosti vplivajo na zaznavanje znakov oz. odzivnost zlorab pri učencih. Poleg tega smo ugotavljali razlike ločeno po spolu in med športnimi pedagogi, ki poučujejo na osnovnih šolah in športnimi pedagogi, ki poučujejo na srednjih šolah. Za pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili standardizirani vprašalnik RESTQ-76, ki meri posameznikova stanja stresa ter poskuša ugotoviti ali gre pri tem posamezniku za pregorelost ali njej podobna stanja, in pa lastno sestavljen vprašalnik o prepoznavanju zlorab. Podatke smo obdelali s pomočjo programa Microsoft Excel 2013 in statističnega programa IBM SPSS 24. Za primerjavo med posameznimi skupinami smo uporabili analizo variance, za iskanje povezav med prepoznavanjem zlorabe in pregorelostjo pa Pearsonov korelacijski koeficient. V raziskavi je bilo udeleženih 91 športnih pedagogov in 73 športnih pedagoginj, starih med 25 in več kot 60 let. Skupno je vprašalnik rešilo 113 osnovnošolskih učiteljev in 51 srednješolskih. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da povečana stanja stresa oz. pregorelosti vplivajo na slabšo odzivnost zlorab pri učencih oz. da športni pedagogi, ki ne doživljajo visoke stopnje stresa in so splošno bolj zadovoljni, hkrati tudi bolje prepoznavajo znake zlorab pri učenih in v takih primerih tudi ukrepajo. Udeleženci raziskave so najpogosteje prepoznali znake fizične zlorabe (modrice, zlomi, zvini, opekline), pa tudi znake spolne in čustvene zlorabe.

Keywords:športni pedagogi, pregorelost, zlorabe pri učencih, odzivnost na zlorabe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103943 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5427889 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Physical Education Teachers' Burnout in a Connection with Responsiveness to Abuse among Students
The purpose of this master thesis was to identify stress levels – burnout – of physical education teachers in connection with responsiveness to abuse among students. We were interested in the following topics: to which extend are physical education teachers exposed to burnout; if, how often or which abuses are they recognising among students; how are they acting in case of abuse (report of abuse), and the most important, how are their levels of burnout/ stress influencing their perception of signs of abuse, or their responsiveness to abuse among students. We were also researching differences among physical education teachers in primary and in high schools in the context of gender. Firstly, the data was collected by means of standardised questionnaire RESTQ-76, which measures the stress levels of an individual, moreover, the questionnaire is researching if the individual is experiencing burnout or similar. Secondly, the data was also collected by means of questionnaire, which was prepared by the author herself and tackled recognition of the signs of abuse. The data was analysed with Microsoft Excel 2013 and statistical programme IBM SPSS 24. Variance analysis was used to compare individual groups, and Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was used to identify the correlation between abuse recognition and burnout. 164 physical education teachers (91 men, 73 women) took part in the research. Their age was between 25 and more than 60 years. The questionnaire was filled out by 113 primary school physical education teachers and 51 high school physical education teachers. We have reached the following conclusions: higher stress levels (burnout) are badly influencing the responsiveness to abuse; physical education teachers who are not subject to stress or are generally happier (satisfied, pleased), better recognise the signs of abuse among students and act accordingly. The participants most commonly recognised the physical signs of abuse (bruises, fractures, sprains and burns) and also the signs of sexual and emotional abuse.

Keywords:physical education teachers, burnout syndrome, child abuse, responsiveness to abuse

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