
ID MADJAR, BARBARA (Author), ID Jukić, Tina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil analizirati neizkoriščene potenciale digitalnega marketinga v organizaciji Skupina vrtovi panonski, z. o. o. S sistemskim pristopom in doslednim izvajanjem digitalnega marketinga je namreč mogoče doseči večjo vidnost organizacije na spletu ter s tem povečati njeno prodajo. Uporabljeni sta bili deskriptivna metoda in metoda kompilacije. S pomočjo metode analize so bile analizirane organizacija in njene dejavnosti na področju digitalnega marketinga. Predstavljene so možnosti, ki jih digitalni marketing ponuja, analizirani neizkoriščeni potenciali organizacije na zadevnem področju ter pripravljeni predlogi za izboljšave. Analiza je pokazala, da spletne strani, prek katerih izbrana organizacija izvaja marketing, niso optimizirane, prav tako niso povezane med seboj in tudi ne z družbenimi omrežji organizacije. Organizacija ne izvaja e-poštnega marketinga, čeprav je informacijska rešitev vpeljana in bi ga lahko zaposleni izvajali brez večjih stroškov. Predlogi za izboljšave bodo organizaciji omogočali sistematično izvajanje digitalnega marketinga. Z doslednim upoštevanjem predlogov in izvedbo potrebnih korakov bo organizacija dosegla večjo vidnost na spletu in s tem posledično povečala prodajo svojih proizvodov. Rezultati so vsekakor uporabni širše v okolju, tudi za druge podobne organizacije, ki nimajo sredstev, da bi plačale zunanje strokovnjake za izvedbo digitalnega marketinga.

Keywords:digitalni marketing, spletna prodaja, e-poštni marketing, optimizacija spletnih strani, lokalna hrana, družbena omrežja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103924 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2018
MADJAR, BARBARA, 2018, ANALIZA STRATEGIJE DIGITALNEGA MARKETINGA IZBRANE ORGANIZACIJE [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the untapped potential of digital marketing in the "Skupina vrtovi panonski, z. o. o." organization. With a systematic approach and consistent implementation of digital marketing, the organization can achieve a greater online exposure and increase its sales. The descriptive method and method of compilation were used. By using the method of analysis, the organization and its digital marketing activities were analyzed. The possibilities of digital marketing have been outlined, the organization's untapped potential in the concerned field has been analyzed and suggestions for improvements provided. The analysis has shown that the websites through which the selected organization has been implementing marketing are not optimized nor connected among themselves or with the organization's social networks. The organization does not implement e-mail marketing although the appropriate IT solution has been introduced and despite the fact that the employees could carry it out themselves without further significant cost. The suggestions for improvements will enable the organization to use a systematic approach in the implementation of digital marketing. With a consistent consideration of suggestions and the implementation of the necessary steps, the organization will achieve greater online exposure and consequently increase its sales. The results can certainly be used in a broader scope; this includes other similar organizations that do not have the necessary means to pay external experts to carry out digital marketing.

Keywords:digital marketing, online sales, e-mail marketing, website optimization, local food, social networks

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