
Avtomatizacija delovnega mesta v U-celici na liniji za proizvodnjo alternatorjev
ID KODELJA, TADEJ (Author), ID Karer, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče delo opisuje industrijsko proizvodno linijo, namenjeno izdelavi alter- natorjev za uporabo v avtomobilski industriji, ter delovno mesto, ki je del te linije in na katerem se izvaja ena izmed operacij proizvodnje alternatorja. Najprej je v poglavju 2 opisan koncept proizvodne linije v obliki črke U. Uporaba tega tipa linije je obrazložena v kontekstu proizvodnje alternatorjev. Sledi teoretična ute- meljitev izbire tega tipa linije. Na podlagi njene analize so predstavljena dejstva, ki veljajo za dano razporeditev strojev in so v nadaljevanju dokazana s simula- cijo modela linije. Nazadnje so predstavljeni rezultati simulacije. V poglavju 3 je predstavljeno delovno mesto, ki je del proizvodne linije alternatorjev. Tu je najprej opisana zgradba naprave s pripadajočimi komponentami, v nadaljevanju so opisane mehanske lastnosti naprave in nazadnje so predstavljeni še gradniki, ki predstavljajo program, ter postopki programiranja, ki so bili tu uporabljeni. V poglavju 4 je opisan standard IEC 61131-3. Predstavljena je po standardu določena struktura programa s pripadajočimi podatkovnimi tipi, programskimi jeziki, funkcijami in standardnimi programerskimi praksami. Delo torej obrav- nava celostni koncept proizvodne linije v obliki črke U, izvedbo in delovanje stroja, ki je del te proizvodne linije in predstavlja eno izmed operacij, ki so namenjene proizvodnji alternatorjev v avtomobilski industriji.

Keywords:IEC 61131-3, PLK programiranje, U-celica.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Automation of a working station in a U-shaped production line for alternators
The thesis describes an industrial production line intended for the manufac- ture of alternators for use in the automotive industry, as well as a workplace that is part of this line and where one of the alternator production operations is carried out. First of all, chapter 2 describes the concept of the U-shaped pro- duction line. The use of this line type is explained in the context of alternators production. The theoretical justification for choosing this type of line follows. On the basis of its analysis, the facts that apply to the given arrangement of machines are presented and are further proved by the simulation of the line mo- del. Finally, the simulation results are presented. Chapter 3 presents the working station, which is part of the production line that is intended to be used in pro- duction of alternators for automotive industry. Here, the structure of the device with the associated components is described first, the mechanical properties of the device are described below, and finally, the blocks representing the program and the programming procedures that were used here are presented. The IEC 61131-3 standard is described in the chapter 4. The structure of the program with the corresponding data types, programming languages, functions and stan- dard programming practices is presented according to the standard. The work therefore deals with the overall concept of the U-shaped production line, and the implementation and operation of the machine that is part of this production line.

Keywords:IEC 61131-3, PLC programming, U-line.

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