Construction of gender roles is nowadays to a large degree constructed through online communication. Despite continuous articulation of feminist thought, gender role hierarchies are not gone but rearticulated (Ule, 2010). Web users are not just a passive audience but active producers of contents. The change of the international economic and cultural market has led to new ways of participating in the construction of the gender order (Pfau?Effinger, 1998). A phenomenon of internet memes represents the everyday element of online messaging. The simplicity of their creation enables participation in production for those who do not have knowledge in the field of digital design (Chen, 2012). Memes are divided into categories with specific codes. In this thesis, I chose to inspect the category of Overly Attached Girlfriend meme, which portrays the unwanted characteristics of overly attached girls. Sexist humor at the expense of women spreads a specific set of gender roles among users. For the study, I used the approaches of the multimodal critical analysis of discourse and examined the cases through the variety of gender role theories presented in Qualls' work (1982), superior sexist humor (Lynch, 2002; Moore et al., 1987), and sexual harassment (Barak, 2005).