
Problematika in metode odstranjevanja kasnejših nanosov s stenskih slik v kapeli Loškega gradu
ID Fras, Eva Marija (Author), ID Šeme, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kavčič Klančar, Anita (Comentor)

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Diplomsko delo obsega problematiko in metode odstranjevanja kasnejših beležev s stenskih poslikav v kapeli Loškega gradu, ki so bile v letu 1958 v celoti prebeljene. S to tematiko sem se podrobneje srečala v okviru redne delovne prakse na UL ALUO ob izvajanju konservatorsko-restavratorskih posegov na poslikavah v kupoli kapele Loškega gradu. Posege odstranjevanja beležev in nečistoč je v letih 2013 –¬¬¬ 2015, pod vodstvom mag. Anite Kavčič Klančar, izvajala ekipa restavratorjev ZVKDS Restavratorskega centra. Projekt je potekal zgolj v kupoli, zato sem v okviru diplomskega dela opravila obsežna testiranja metod odstranjevanja kasnejših nanosov na spodnjem ostenju. Delo je zahtevalo doslednost pri sprotnem prilagajanju raztopin za odstranjevanje koprene in natančno fotodokumentacijo. Nujno je bilo poglobljeno znanje o kompatibilnosti materialov in upoštevanje predpisov za varnost pri delu s kemikalijami. Pri nadaljevanju konservatorsko-restavratorskega posega v kapeli bo na spodnjem ostenju potrebno uporabiti mehanske, kemijske in kombinirane metode odstranjevanja kasnejših nanosov.

Keywords:konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, odstranjevanje, kasnejši nanosi, stenske slike, kemijske metode, fizikalne metode, diplomska naloga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103853 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Problematics and Methodds of removal of secondary coatings from wall paintings in the chapel in the castle of Škofja Loka
The thesis covers the problematics and methods of removing subsequent coatings from wall paintings that were repainted in year 1958. I met more closely with the implementation of conservation and restoration interventions on paintings in the dome of the chapel of Škofja Loka castle, where I participated in regular work practice at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of Ljubljana. Removal of secondary coatings and impurities in the years 2013 – 2015, was performed by a team of conservators-restorers of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Restoration Centre Ljubljana under the direction of mag. Anita Kavčič Klančar. The project was carried out only in the dome, so in the course of the thesis I performed extensive testing of the methods for removing later deposits on the lower walls. The work required consistency in adapting solutions and thorough photocumentation. It is necessary to have a broad knowledge of the compatibiliy of used materials and taking into account the safety at work. Due to the influence of moisture in the carrier, mechanical, chemical and combined methods for removing subsequent deposits should be selected when performing conservation and restoration procedures.

Keywords:conservation-restoration, removal, secondary coatings, wall paintings, physical methods, chemical methods, BA thesis

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