
Neomejenost upnika pri izbiri sredstev izvršbe in primer Vaskrsić proti Sloveniji
ID Drečnik, Anja (Author), ID Kramberger Škerl, Jerca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Upnik lahko med zakonsko predvidenimi sredstvi izvršbe prosto izbira ne glede na višino terjatve, ki jo v posameznem izvršilnem postopku želi izterjati. Po medijsko izpostavljeni izvršilni zadevi, v kateri so gospodu Zoranu Vaskrsiću zaradi izterjave bagatelnega dolga na javni dražbi prodali dom, se je v javnosti pojavilo veliko kritik na račun izvršilne zakonodaje. Ob podrobnejšem pregledu zakonskih določb pa je mogoče ugotoviti, da zakon dolžnikom omogoča poseg v upnikovo izbiro izvršilnih sredstev, zaradi česar neomejenost upnika pri predlaganju sredstev izvršbe v začetni fazi postopka še ne pomeni, da se bo izvršilni postopek v resnici izvedel na način, kot ga je predlagal upnik. V magistrski nalogi sem opozorila na problematiko kolizije med interesi upnika in dolžnika v izvršilnem postopku, predstavila relevantne zakonske določbe s področja izterjave denarnih terjatev, povzela poglavitni del sodne prakse, na kratko opisala potek izvršilnega postopka zoper gospoda Zorana Vaskrsića in predstavila bistvene ugotovitve Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice v zadevi, se do sodbe tudi nekoliko kritično opredelila ter na koncu predstavila svoje mnenje o ustreznosti izvršilne zakonodaje.

Keywords:dispozicija upnika, prosta izbira izvršilnih sredstev, izterjava bagatelne terjatve, Vaskrsić.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103823 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:16381777 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The creditor's free choice of means of enforcement and Case of Vaskrsić v. Slovenia
The creditor may freely choose among statutory means of enforcement regardless of the amount of claim he wants to recover in the individual enforcement proceeding. The enforcement against the home of Mr Zoran Vaskrsić for the recovery of a small debt, which was largely exposed in the media, attracted much public criticism regarding the rules on enforcement. A closer examination of the statutory provisions reveals that the law enables the debtors to interfere with the creditor’s choice of the means of enforcement. Consequently, the limitlessness of the creditor itself in proposing the means of enforcement in the initial phase of the proceedings does not mean that the enforcement proceedings will be carried out in the way proposed by the creditor. In the master’s thesis, I highlighted the problem of collision among the interests of the creditor and the debtor in the enforcement proceedings, presented relevant legal provisions in the field of enforcement of money claims, summarized the most important case-law, shortly described the course of the enforcement proceedings against Mr Zoran Vaskrsić, and presented the main findings of the European court for human rights in this case. I also provided critical overview of the judgement, and finally presented my own opinion on the adequacy of the current enforcement legislation.

Keywords:creditor’s disposition, free choice of the means of enforcement, small debt enforcement, Vaskrsić.

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