The paper is focused on examining the influence ideologies have on shaping women's choices, particularly the choices of mothers. Male dominance is ensured by the definitions of femininity and motherhood, that are an oxymoron to economic achievements, and are imposed on women by the androcentric culture. By the androcentric definition of femininity, a femina is only truly fulfilled by motherhood and the ideology of intensive mothering assumes that the mother is absolutely focused merely on her child, to whom she subordinates her own needs and desires. Intensive mothering is a media construction and demands an abundance of information, that mothers in modern societies gather via internet, more precisely by going through motherhood websites and entering mothering social media groups. This paper offers an insight in an otherwise closed Facebook group Mamice, that is in fact the largest Slovene social network for mothers and has more than 17.000 members. Using qualitative text analysis and observation of the Facebook group, without participation, I have explored ideology pressures that influence mothers decisions in regards to sharing the parental leave and state financed child care. The results show a predominance of traditional gender roles and internalized ideology of intensive mothering. Through the seven years of operating, the group members have established precise normative rules regarding mothering practises and group members react if mothers attempt to challenge the norms by stigmatizing such mothers and their mothering. The group preserves the androcentric culture and the oppression of women by repressing mothers who attempt to mother differently.