Introduction: Nurses face many risks and violations at their work. In Slovenia, various forms of legal protection are offered to health care workers. The most important are the inspection control and judicial protection in the courts. The risks that appear in hospitals are: biological hazards, chemical hazards, physical hazards, ergonomical risks, psycho–social risks fire and explosion hazards and electrical hazards. Purpose: The purpose of this work is to research legal acts in the field of healthcare and determine the situation in legal practice through the retrospective study of legal cases. We wish to establish which hazards and dangers are present at the workplace of a nurse. Work methods: We used a descriptive research method along with collection, critical assessment and analysis of domestic and foreign literature. In the second part, we performed a retrospective descriptive study of the case by analysing and comparing cases of selected court rulings. We used quantitative methodology from the field of Social Studies taking into account the specificities of research in the field of Legal Science. Results: The basic laws in the field of Healthcare Control are the Employment Relationship Act, Health and Safety at Work Act, Minor Offences Act, and Obligations Code. Anyone (a worker or an empoyer) who notices breaches in the field of Health and Safety at Work can report this to the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia that addresses these issues. Workers can also seek judicial protection at courts. The analysis of the legal cases was made using six indicators. We paid the most attention to the indicator in the field of determining the responsibility of the employer. In four legal cases the Court of Appeal found a violation of an employer, who is responsible according to the rules of objective responsibility. Discussion and closure: From the review of legal acts in the field of Control over Healthcare at Workplace, we can conclude that this particular field is well regulated. What is alarming is the functioning of the Labour Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia, since it did not find any infringements in the field of Healthcare, although the search of the Sodna praksa website shows a different situation. It is very important that nurses know health legislation in their field, because by that way they can identify the risks and violations that may occur in the workplace. It is important that nurses know that they have the opportunity to avail themselves of their right to judicial protection before the courts.