
Vpeljevanje igrifikacije v poučevanje športa : magistrsko delo
ID Gregorič, Lenart (Author), ID Starc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Igrifikacija uporabo elementov, ki jih najdemo v videoigrah, izkorišča na področjih, ki niso povezana z igrami. Pozitivne, motivacijske, privlačne elemente izkorišča za različne namene. Vse od boljših marketinških potez, odkrivanja novih in nenavadnih proteinov, pa do izobraževanja. Potrebno se je zavedati, da pozitivno končno sliko igrifikacije daje šele kakovostno povezovanje teh elementov z mehanizmi. Ti ženejo igralca in v njem vzbujajo angažiranost. Vse je podrejeno dinamiki igre, ki je ni mogoče neposredno vpeljati, vendar je za dobro uporabniško izkušnjo zelo pomembna. V igralcih vzbuja različna čustva, daje občutek napredovanja in med drugim skrbi za grajenje odnosov med posamezniki. V današnjem času je tehnologija tako napredovala, da bi igrifikacijo lahko v poučevanje vpeljali na različne načine. Nekatere aplikacije se v šolstvu že uporabljajo. Združene države Amerike prednjačijo v izkoriščanju tega potenciala, vendar izključno za potrebe športne vzgoje še ne obstaja specifična aplikacija. Med magistrskim delom je nastal prototip aplikacije, ki bi jo športni pedagog lahko uporabljal pri poučevanju športa. Usmerjena je v igrifikacijo videoanalize tehničnih elementov posameznih športov. Učencem bi lahko omogočala kvalitetnejše razumevanje tehnike gibanja, odkrivanje napak, kar pa posledično vodi do večjega napredka posameznika.

Keywords:igrifikacija, poučevanje, šport, mobilna aplikacija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103776 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5418929 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Introducing the gamification in physical education
The gamification uses the elements from video games for the areas which are not necessarily connected with these games. In these cases the positive, motivational and attractive elements are used for various purposes, such as improving marketing moves, discovering new and unusual proteins, and even in education. However, it must be taken into consideration that only the quality connection between these elements and mechanisms can provide the positive final image of gamification itself, and that they stimulate the player to be actively involved in the game. Everything is subordinate to the dynamics of the game, which cannot be directly introduced, but it is, in fact, still very important for a good user experience. The gamification raises various emotions in players, offers a sense of progress and among many other things takes care of building relations between the individuals. Nowadays the technology has developed to the point, where the gamification can be introduced in the areas of educational disciplines in many different ways - some of the applications have been actually already used in the education up until now. The United States of America are predominant in exploiting this potential, but there is not a specific application for sports education yet. During the writing of Master’s thesis we developed a prototype of the application, which could be used in physical education by a teacher. The application focuses on the gamification of the video analysis of the individual sports’ technical elements and could provide students with a better understanding of motion techniques, detecting of errors and consequently with greater progress of the individual.

Keywords:gamification, teaching, sport, mobile application

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