
Analiza poplavnih dogodkov v Sloveniji 2005-2017 : diplomska naloga
ID Krznar, David (Author), ID Šraj, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Golob, Andrej (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo analizirali poplavne dogodke, ki so se zgodili v Sloveniji v obdobju 2005-2017. Namen naloge je bil ugotoviti lokacije pogostega pojavljanja poplav v tem obdobju, ter analizirati kritične pretoke in poplavne konice obravnavanih dogodkov na posameznih odsekih slovenskih rek. V uvodnem oz. teoretičnem delu so najprej predstavljene poplave, njihove značilnosti, vrste poplav, nato pa še namen napovedovanja oz. opozarjanja pred poplavami. V glavnem delu naloge smo najprej analizirali poplavne dogodke v obravnavanem obdobju v geografskem in časovnem smislu, torej kje in v katerih letnih časih so se pojavljali najbolj pogosto. Preučili smo tudi tipe poplav. V nadaljevanju smo na izbranih odsekih na rekah Sava, Dravinja, Mura in Krka podrobno analizirali trajanja posameznih poplavnih valov, ter velikosti vrednosti pretokov, ki so bile dosežene na izbranih vodomernih postajah na določeni lokaciji. Izkazalo se je, da se je največ poplavnih dogodkov glede na površino regije pojavljajo v Zasavju in Posavju, precej pa tudi na Koroškem in Podravskem. Pri izračunu povprečnih časov potovanj konic pretokov smo prišlji do naslednjih rezultatov: Sava: Šentjakob – Litija 4,22 ur, Dravinja: Loče – Makole 7 ur, Mura: Gornja Radgona – Petanjci 1 ura, Krka: Soteska – Podbočje 17 ur.

Keywords:poplave, poplavni dogodki, kritični pretok, konice pretokov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[D. Krznar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103754 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8562017 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of flood events in Slovenia 2005-2017 : graduation thesis
In this diploma thesis, flood events in Slovenia from 2015 to 2017 were analysed. The goal of this thesis is to locate the areas where flood occurrences are high. Further, the goal is to analyse the critical streamflow of rivers and peak discharge in particular sections of Slovene rivers. In the introduction which is also the theoretical part, floods, their characteristics, different types of floods and the goal of flood forecasts and flood warnings are discussed. In the main part of the thesis, flood events in the said time period are first geographically and temporally analysed, namely where and in which seasons the occurrences were the highest. Types of floods were also analysed. In the next part, the durations of specific flood discharges and the values of a streamflow that were reached at chosen stream gauging stations on certain locations were closely analysed. This was done on particular sections on rivers Sava, Dravinja, Mura and Krka. The results showed that flood occurrences in relation to the surface of the area of a region were highest in the Zasavje and Posavje regions, however, there was a substantial number of occurrences in the Koroška and Podravska region as well. The calculations of the average travel time of streamflow peaks gave the following results: (river Sava) Šentjakob – Litija 4.22h, (r. Dravinja) Loče – Makole 7h, (r. Mura) Gornja Radgona – Petanjci 1h, (r. Krka) Soteska – Podbočje 17h.

Keywords:floods, flood events, critical discharges, flow peak

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