
Karakterizacija materialov za 3D tisk za primernost uporabe pri precizijskem litju
ID Lazarević, Jelena (Author), ID Petrič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vončina, Maja (Comentor)

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Namen diplomskega dela je bila karakterizacija materialov, ki jih lahko 3D tiskamo in bi jih v nadaljevanju uporabili pri precizijskem litju. Ugotoviti smo želeli, kakšne so lastnosti treh materialov, in sicer polivinil alkohola oz. PVA, fotosenzitivne smole imenovane Castable in pa polilaktične kisline PLA. Lastnosti, ki so nas zanimale so temperatura taljenja, krčenje in pa širjenje materiala pod določenimi pogoji kot so temperatura, hitrost ogrevanja in čas. Na koncu smo želeli tudi videti, kolikšen delež pepela ostane po izgorevanju materiala. Metode oz. analize, ki smo jih uporabili za določanje naštetih lastnosti so bile diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija (DSC), dilatometrijska analiza in določanje deleža pepela. Z DSC analizo smo določili temperaturo tališča pri posameznih materialih. Te rezultate smo v nadaljevanju upoštevali pri dilatometrijski analizi, kjer smo merili krčenje in širjenje materiala med segrevanjem. Določanje pepela je potekalo pri višjih temperaturah, saj smo želeli, da vzorec izgori. Na koncu je ostal samo še pepel, katerega delež smo določili. Rezultati so pokazali, da ima vsak material svoje prednosti in slabosti. Pri smoli Castable smo ugotovili slabo lastnost, da se med segrevanjem ves čas širi, medtem ko pri izgorevanju ne ostane velik delež pepela. Pri materialu PLA so rezultati pokazali prav nasprotno. Ugotovili smo, da je za naš namen uporaba materiala za precizijsko litje in izdelavo modela z metodo 3D tiskanja najprimernejši polimer PVA.

Keywords:precizijsko litje, 3D tisk, polimeri, določanje pepela, diferenčna vrstična kalorimetrija, dilatometrijska analiza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103684 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1755743 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2018
LAZAREVIĆ, Jelena, 2018, Karakterizacija materialov za 3D tisk za primernost uporabe pri precizijskem litju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 24 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Title:Characterization of 3D printed materials for investment casting
The purpose of the diploma work was the characterization of materials that can be 3D printed and afterwards used for investment casting. We wanted to find out the properties of three materials, polyvinyl alcohol or PVA, a photosensitive resin called Castable, and polylactic acid PLA. Properties that were important to us were melting temperature, shrinkage and expansion of the material under certain conditions such as temperature, speed of heating and time. At the end, we also determined the ash content. Methods or analyses that were used to determine the listed properties were differential scanning calorimetry or DSC analysis, dilatometric analysis and determination of ash content. With the DSC analysis, we determined the melting temperatures for individual materials. These results were taken into account for the dilatometric analysis, where we measured the shrinkage and expansion of the materials while they were heated. The determination of ash content was carried out at higher temperatures, as we wanted to burn the sample. In the end, only the ash remained in a cup and we calculated the percentage. The results showed that each material has its advantages and disadvantages. For some, one analysis showed better results, while others had worse and vice versa. However, we found out that for our purpose to use a material for an investment casting and produce the model using 3D printing method is the most appropriate PVA polymer.

Keywords:investment casting, 3D printing, determination of ash content, differential scanning calorimetry, dilatometric analysis

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