
Vpliv statusa (ne)kategoriziranih športnic na študijsko izobraževanje
ID Ajnihar, Angelina (Author), ID Židan, Alojzija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kohont, Andrej (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo temelji na študijskem izobraževanju in statusu kategoriziranih športnikov z vidika ženskega spola, pri čemer se dodatno osredotoča na vpliv (ne) imetja statusa v času študijskega izobraževanja. Z uvedbo bolonjske reforme, obvezne prisotnosti na predavanjih in vedno večjim zavedanjem vrednot dvojne kariere je omenjeni status in vzdrževanje dvojne kariere, študija in športa, dobilo zelo visok pomen v družbi. Mladi se danes namreč zavedajo kakšno življenje sledi po koncu ene izmed navedenih karier. Naloga obsega dva dela, teoretični in empirični. Teoretični del zajema sekundarne vire in kratko ter kompleksno predstavi vidik na razpravo temeljne teme, osvetli problem demokratizacije izobraževanja, omejitve žensk pri izobraževanju, sociologijo športa in konstrukcijo vključenosti žensk ter dvojno kariero in sociološke poglede na izobraževanje in šport. Zaključi se s predstavo kvantitativne analize, kjer odgovarjamo na vprašanja o številu aktivnih dvojnih karier na študiji primera dveh fakultet. Empirični del vsebuje metodologijo, predstavi vzorec, potek izvedbe dela, vsebino in analizira rezultate kvalitativne študije primera na podlagi deset pol-strukturiranih intervjujev. Slednji so bili izvedeni s študentkami športnicami, ki so v času študija imele (ali ne) status kategorizirane športnice. Skupno vsem, razen enakega biološkega spola, je to, da so se aktivno ukvarjale s športom. V zaključku naloge so podane bistvene ugotovitve in sklep, ki temelji na analizi empiričnega dela naloge in glavnih poudarkih naloge. Ugotovitve iz analize kažejo, da je status kategorizirane športnice vplival na študijsko izobraževanje športnic, saj se le ta opazi v podaljšanju študija za najmanj eno študijsko leto.

Keywords:šport, status kategoriziranega športnika, vrednote, študij, dvojna kariera.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103675 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35844189 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of (un)categorised sportswomen’s status on higher education
The master's thesis is based on higher education and the status of categorised sportsman from the feminine prospective with the main focus on the effect of the status during higher education. With the introduction of the Bologna reform, the obligatory attendance at the lectures and more and more important realisation of the dual career’s values, the mentioned status and maintaining the dual career, sport and studies, got a higher importance in the society. The youth today realises what kind of life follows after the end of one of the careers. The thesis includes two parts, the theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part includes secondary sources, and it briefly and complexly presents the perspective of the main themes of the dissertation, highlights the problem of education’s democratization, the educational limitation for women, the sociology of sport and the construction of the women involvement in the dual career and the sociological perspective on the education and sport. The theoretical part is concluded with the presentation of the quantitative analysis where we answer the questions about the number of dual careers in the study, based on the example of two faculties. The empirical part includes methodology, presents a pattern, the process of work, contents and analyses the results of the qualitative study of the example which is based on ten semi-structured interviews. They were carried out with sportswomen who study and did have/have a status of a categorised sportswoman during their studies. Besides gender, common to all of the interviewees is the fact that they actively took part in sports activities. At the end of the thesis we explain the main findings and finish with a conclusion which is based on the analysis of the empirical part of the thesis and the main emphasis of the thesis. The findings from the analysis reveal that the status of a categorised sportswoman has an effect on the higher education of sportswomen which is shown in the extension of the studies for at least one academic year.

Keywords:sport, categorised sportsperson's status, values, studies, dual career.

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