
ID Medved, Rok (Author), ID Dolenec, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti ali obstajajo razlike v dojemanju navodil pri raztezanju med mlajšimi in starejšimi moškimi. V raziskavo sta bili vključeni dve skupini, v vsaki po osem merjencev. V prvi skupini so bili merjenci stari med 20 in 30 let, v drugi pa merjenci stari med 30 in 40 let. Uporabljena sta bila dva testa gibljivosti v kolčnem sklepu. Gibalna naloga, ki so jo merjenci opravljajli pri testu je bil predklon na klopci, h kateri je bilo podano dodatno navodilo kako naj merjenec razteza. Pri prvem testu so merjenci raztezali v vadbeni amplitudi, kar pomeni da so upoštevali navodilo naj raztezajo do bolečine. Pri drugem testu so merjenci raztezali v maksimalni amplitudi, kar pomeni da so upoštevali navodilo naj raztezajo maksimalno, preko bolečine. Pri obeh testih smo opazovali končni položaj, ki ga je merjenec dosegel in na podlagi tega izmerili dosežen kot v kolčnem sklepu. Rezultate obeh testov smo primerjali znotraj vsake skupine in med skupinama. Primerjava podatkov je pokazala, da starejši moški dojemajo navodila enako kot mlajši, saj sta obe skupini v obeh primerih imeli enako razliko v amplitudi raztezanja (maksimalni razteg je bil večji kot razteg do bolečine). Merjenci obeh skupin so po pričakovanju opravili večji razteg pri navodilu naj raztezajo maksimalno (maksimalna amplituda), kot pri navodilu naj raztezajo do bolečine(vadbena amplituda). Med skupinama ni prišlo do razlik v dojemanju navodil.

Keywords:gibljivost, bolečinski prag, razlike v dojemanju, kolčni sklep
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5434545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Differences in the perception of instructions when stretching between two different age groups
The purpose of the thesis was to determine whether there are differences in the perception of instructions when stretching between younger and older men. Two groups were included in the study, each with eight participants. In the first group, participants were between 20 and 30 years old, while in the second group participants were between 30 and 40 years old. Two mobility tests in the hip joint were used. The motive task performed by the testers during the test was the precondition on the bench, to which an additional instruction was given on how to execute the task or how to stretch. In the first test, the testers were stretched in the training amplitude, which means that the instructions should be stretched to the pain. In the second test, the measurement was extended to maximum amplitude, which means that the instructions should be maximally extended through pain. In both tests, we observed the final position achieved by the participants and based on this, it was measured as achieved in the hip joint. The results of both tests were compared within each group and between groups. Comparison of data has shown that older men perceive instructions in the same way as younger ones. Thus, in the two groups of measurements, as expected, a larger stretch of the instruction should be stretched to the maximum (maximum amplitude), as in the instruction to stretch to the pain (exercise amplitude).

Keywords:flexibility, pain threshold, difference in perception, hip joint

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