
ID Domanjko, Rebeka (Author), ID Bon, Marta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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Cilj diplomskega dela je bil analizirati in primerjati gibalne sposobnosti nogometašic (N-40), starih 13 let in manj (U-13). Vzorec je sestavljalo po 20 članic ŽNK Krim in ŽNK Maribor. Za testiranje smo uporabili 5 testov: tek s spremembo smeri, skok v daljino z mesta, kombiniran polkrog, vodenje žoge s spremembami smeri in Yo-Yo IR1. Za bolj poglobljeno analizo smo igralke razdelili po njihovih igralnih položajih: 14 igralk vezne vrste (35 %); 8 napadalk (20 %); 14 obrambnih igralk (35 %) in 4 vratarke (10 %). Sistem igre, ki ga kluba igrata, je 1:2:1:2 in vratarka (6+1). Primerjali smo igralke glede na klub in glede na igralne položaje (linije). Podatke smo statistično obdelali v programu IBM SPSS 24 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, ZDA). Normalnost porazdelitve smo preverili s Shapiro-Wilkovim testom, homogenost varianc pa z Levenovim testom. Za analizo vseh rezultatov smo uporabili še Mann-Whitneyjev test in Kruskal-Wallisov test. Rezultati so pokazali, da lahko vseh 5 zastavljenih hipotez potrdimo, saj med igralnimi položaji in med igralkami iz različnih klubov ni bilo statistično pomembnih razlik pri nobenem izvedenem testu. Da ni statistično značilnih razlik, je bilo ugotovljeno pri stopnji tveganja 5 %. Za konec smo naredili dve primerjavi. Primerjali smo nogometašice U-13 (ŽNK Maribor in ŽNK Krim) z nogometašicami ženske reprezentance Slovenije U-19 in ŽNK Slovenj Gradec. Uporabili smo povprečne vrednosti iz štirih testov. V drugi primerjavi smo nogometašice U-13 (ŽNK Maribor in ŽNK Krim) primerjali z nogometaši selekcije U-14 iz NŠ NK Krško. Prav tako smo uporabili povprečne vrednosti štirih testov.

Keywords:ženski nogomet, analiza, gibalne sposobnosti, starost 13 let
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103647 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5431473 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis and comparison of mobility skills girls aged 13 years in the women`s football club Krim and Maribor
The aim of the diploma work was to analyse and measure the motor skills of football players (N-40) aged 13 years and less (U-13). The sample consisted 20 members of ŽNK Krim and 20 of ŽNK Maribor. For testing we used 5 different tests: direction changing fast run, distance jump from the spot, combined half circle, direction changing ball leading and Yo-Yo IR1. For easier comparison of data we organized the players by their position: 14 mid-fielders (35%); 8 forwards (20%); 14 defence line players (35%) and 4 goal keepers (10%). The game system played by the club is 1:2:1:2 and the goal keeper (6+1). We compared the players according to the club and according to the game positions (lines). Data was statistically processed in IBM SPSS 24 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, USA). Hypothesis about average values of variables were verified with Shapiro-Wilk's test. The homogeneity of variables was tested with Leven test. We used Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test to analyse all the results. The results showed that all 5 hypotheses were confirmed, as there were no statistical significant differences between the playing positions and among the players from different clubs in any performed test. No statistically significant differences were found at a risk level of 5%. In the end, we made two comparisons. We compared football players U-13 (ŽNK Maribor and ŽNK Krim) with soccer players from the women's national team of Slovenia U-19 and ŽNK Slovenj Gradec. We used average values from four tests. In the second comparison, football players U-13 (ŽNK Maribor and ŽNK Krim) were compared with soccer players of the U-14 selection from NŠ NK Krško. We also used the average values of the four tests.

Keywords:women’s football, analysis, mobility skills, 13 years old

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