
Okoljsko vrednotenje ravnih in poševnih streh : diplomska naloga
ID Rebernik, Maša (Author), ID Kunič, Roman (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Božiček, David (Comentor)

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V današnjem svetu se vse bolj zavedamo antropogenih vplivov na okolje (npr. problema podnebnih sprememb), posledično postaja okoljska sprejemljivost proizvodov vedno bolj pomembna. Razvile so se različne metodologije za oceno okoljskih vplivov proizvodov, ena izmed najbolj uporabljenih pa je metodologija ocene življenjskega cikla (LCA). Z LCA spremljamo proizvod skozi njegov življenjski cikel in tako dobimo podatke o njegovem okoljskem vplivu. V nalogi se ukvarjamo z analizo okoljskih vplivov gradbenih proizvodov, uporabljenih v konstrukcijskih sklopih ravnih in poševnih streh. Pri tem smo uporabili okoljske deklaracije proizvodov ali dokumente EPD. V EPD-jih preko rezultatov metodologije LCA podajamo pregledne in primerljive informacije o vplivu gradbenih proizvodov na okolje. Konstrukcijske sklope smo analizirali za fazo življenjskega cikla »od zibelke do vrat«. Analiza je bila razdeljena na tri dele. V prvem delu smo obravnavali posamezne proizvode konstrukcijskega sklopa in jih primerjali v sedmih okoljskih kategorijah (GWP, ODP, POCP, AP, EP, ADPE in ADPF), z drugo analizo smo celotne sestave primerjali med seboj prav tako v vseh sedmih kategorijah in pri tretji analizi smo na poenostavljen način razvrstili obravnavane sklope glede na njihov okoljski vpliv in tako dobili najmanj obremenjujoč konstrukcijski sestav. Ugotovili smo, da materiali za nosilno konstrukcijo in toplotno izolacijo prevladujoče prispevajo k skupnemu okoljskemu vplivu streh, vendar tudi drugi materiali (npr. opečna kritina, parna ovira itd.) pomembno prispevajo k okoljskemu vplivu v določenih kategorijah. Endoskeletni sistemi nosilne konstrukcije so izkazali manjši okoljski vpliv v večini kategorij, kar nakazuje na to, da lahko že z izbiro sistema nosilne konstrukcije pomembno zmanjšamo okoljski vpliv.

Keywords:LCA, okoljski vpliv, gradbeni proizvod, konstrukcijski sklop, ravna streha, poševna streha, streha, okoljska deklaracija proizvoda, EPD, nosilna konstrukcija, toplotna izolacija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Rebernik]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103630 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8552033 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Environmental assessment of flat and slope roofs : graduation thesis
In today's World, we are becoming increasingly aware of the anthropogenic impacts on the environment (eg. The problem of climate change), and consequently the environmental acceptability of products becomes more and more important. Various methodologies have been developed to assess the environmental impacts of products, and one of the most widely used is the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. With the LCA method we monitor the product through its life cycle and thus obtain data on its environmental impact. The thesis deals with the analysis of the environmental impacts of construction products used in construction sets of flat and sloping roofs. In doing so, we used environmental product declarations or Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) documents. Through the results of the LCA , the EPD provide transparent and comparable information on the impact of construction products on the environment. Construction assemblies were analyzed for the "cradle to the gate" phase of the life cycle. We did three analyzes. In the first, we compared the individual products of the construction set in seven environmental categories (GWP, ODP, POCP, AP, EP, ADPE and ADPF). In the second, the overall composition was compared to each other in all seven categories, and in the third, we simplified the sets according to their environmental impact in a simplified way, and thus obtained the least burdensome construction structure. We found that the materials for supporting structure and thermal insulation contribute predominantly to the overall environmental impact of roofs, but other materials (eg brick roof, steam barrier, etc.) make an important contribution to the environmental impact in certain categories. Endoscope support systems have proven to have less environmental impact in most categories, which suggests that by selecting a supporting structure, the environmental impact can be significantly reduced.

Keywords:LCA, environmental impact, construction product, construction sets, flat roof, slope roof, roof, environmental declaration, EPD, supporting structure, thermal insulation.

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