
Dendrokronološka analiza debelinskega priraščanja smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) na območju njene naravne in umetne razširjenosti v Sloveniji
ID Stopar, Samo (Author), ID Levanič, Tomislav (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Po podatkih iz letnih poročil Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije se delež smreke v naših gozdovih v zadnjem času manjša. Razlog za to so vse pogostejše ujme, domnevno pa tudi klimatske spremembe. Glede na to, da je smreka pomembna gospodarska vrsta, ki je pri nas na robu svojega naravnega areala, smo želeli preveriti njen trend ter razmisliti o njeni perspektivi v prihodnje. Z dendrokronološkimi metodami smo analizirali debelinsko priraščanje smreke na osmih lokacijah v Sloveniji. Med njimi je bilo pet naravnih smrekovih združb, v ostale je bila smreka umetno vnešena v preteklosti oziroma je bil povečan njen naravni delež. Na vsaki ploskvi smo odvzeli vzorce vsaj 20 dreves. V dendrokronološkem laboratoriju smo jih primerno obdelali in analizirali s pomočjo sistema ATRICS ter različnih računalniških programov. Ugotovili smo, da med naravnimi in antropogenimi rastišči ni značilnih razlik v priraščanju. V nekaterih primerih pa smo opazili vplive klimatskih sprememb, ki se odražajo kot povečan vpliv temperature in padavin na rast, kar nakazuje na pojav suše in otoplitve. Analiza značilnih let je pokazala, da so le-ta bolj izrazita v zadnjih 30 letih, kar kaže na pogostejše ekstremne dogodke.

Keywords:Navadna smreka/Picea abies/dendrokronologija/debelinsko priraščanje/podnebne spremembe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103627 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5188262 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Dendrochronologycal analysis of the radial growth of norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in its natural and secondary stands in Slovenia
According to the yearly reports of Slovenia Forest Service, the percentage of Norway spruce in Slovenian forests is declining. This is because of the greater frequency of natural disasters and, presumably, climate change. Spruce is even more sensitive in Slovenia as it is at the edge of its natural areal. Since spruce is an important economic species, it is vital to research its future trends. We conducted a dendrochronological analysis of the spruce's radial increment at eight different plots throughout Slovenia. The plots selected were diverse: some were natural spruce stands; in some the spruce was intoduced anthropologicaly in the past for economic reasons, or its natural share in stands was increased. We took samples of at least 20 trees per plot and examined them in the dendrochronological laboratory using Advanced Tree-Ring Image Capturing System (ATRICS) and different software. We compared the growth in natural spruce stands with the secondary (anthropogenic) ones and found no statistical differences in growth patterns between those two groups. However, we found some evidence for climate change, affecting growth on some of the selected sites. Analysis of pointer years suggests that extreme events are more common in the last 30 years.

Keywords:Norway spruce/Picea abies/dendrochronology/radial growth/climate change

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