
Sistemski ukrepi za obvladovanje šeste dobe množičnega izumrtja vrst: primer Republike Slovenije
ID Golja, Teo (Author), ID Prebilič, Vladimir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Biotske vrste dandanes izumirajo tisočkrat hitreje, kot so v predindustrijski dobi. V preteklosti so na dobe izumrtja vplivali naravni pojavi, trenutna, šesta doba izumrtja, pa je prva, ki je posledica človeka in njegovih dejavnosti. Na množično izumiranje vrst v največji meri vplivata živinoreja in ribolov, na samo stopnjo oziroma hitrost izumiranja pa v veliki meri vpliva eksponentna rast svetovnega prebivalstva. Kljub temu, da imata živinoreja in ribolov med vsemi človeškimi dejavnostmi na izgubo biotske raznovrstnosti največji vpliv, se zdi kot da v oblikovanje okoljevarstvenih politik, tako na državni kot mednarodni ravni, nista vključeni. Enako velja za prenaseljenost sveta, ki zaradi svoje negativne konotacije predstavlja največkrat povsem spregledano tematiko. Živinoreja in ribolov sta v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih, predvsem zaradi rasti prebivalstva in povečanega povpraševanja po mesu, mlečnih izdelkih, jajcih in ribah, postali zelo industrializirani in okolju škodljivi panogi. Svetovna poraba mesa se je med letoma 1961 in 2001 povišala za 245 odstotkov, število prebivalstva pa se je v istem obdobju povišalo za 201 odstotek. Brez sistemskih rešitev se bo trenutni trend v prihodnosti le še nadaljeval, kar lahko pripelje do nepredstavljivih okoljskih sprememb do konca tega stoletja. Republika Slovenija lahko s sistemskimi rešitvami na področju živinoreje, ribolova in prebivalstvene politike postavi zgled ostalim državam in prispeva k reševanju obvladovanja šeste dobe množičnega izumrtja vrst.

Keywords:izumiranje vrst, biotska raznovrstnost, živinoreja, ribolov, prenaseljenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35825501 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Systematic measures to control the sixth mass extinction of species: the case of the Republic of Slovenia
Today, species are becoming extinct a thousand times faster than in the preindustrial times. In the past, natural phenomena were the reason for different mass extinctions, but the current sixth mass extinction era is the first that is the consequence of man and human activity. The mass extinction of species today is mostly influenced by animal agriculture, including fishing, while the degree and speed of extinction is largely influenced by the exponential growth of the world's population. Despite its great influence on biodiversity loss, animal agriculture seems to be left out of the agenda when creating environmental policies at both national and international levels. The same goes for overpopulation of the world, which due to its negative connotation tends to be an overlooked topic. Due to population growth and increased demand for meat, dairy, eggs and fish, animal agriculture has become a highly industrialized and environmentally harmful industry over the past few decades. World meat consumption increased by 245 percent between 1961 and 2001, and the number of people increased by 201 percent in the same period. Without systemic solutions the current trend will only continue in the future, which can lead to unimaginable environmental changes by the end of this century. By implementing systemic solutions in the field of animal agriculture, fishing and population policies, the Republic of Slovenia can set an example for other countries and contribute to managing the sixth era of mass extinction of species.

Keywords:mass extinction, biodiversity, animal agriculture, fishing, overpopulation

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