
Ocena kapacitete vodovodnega sistema kot strokovna podlaga v procesu prostorskega načrtovanja : magistrsko delo
ID Kafol Stojanović, Ajda (Author), ID Šubic-Kovač, Maruška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Kozelj, Daniel (Comentor)

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Magistrska naloga predstavlja izdelavo ocene kapacitete vodovodnega sistema, ki je uporabna v prostorskem načrtovanju kot strokovna podlaga za izdelavo prostorskih aktov. Ocena je izdelana za območja nepozidanih stavbnih zemljišč v Mestni občini Kranj, kjer je predviden razvoj posameznih dejavnosti. Tovrstnih ocen se trenutno v fazi priprave prostorskih aktov ne izdeluje, predstavljajo pa pomembno podlago za načrtovanje poselitvenih območij, razmeščanje dejavnosti v prostoru, časovno definiranost in oceno stroškov izvedbe načrtovanih ureditev. Za nepozidana stavbna zemljišča, kjer je gradnja možna in dopustna, je glede na večletne podatke o porabi pitne vode iz primerljivih območij ocenjena predvidena povprečna poraba pitne vode. Primerljivost je definirana glede na podrobno namensko rabo prostora, urbanistične kazalce in dejavnost. Območja s podatkom o predvideni porabi pitne vode so vključena v hidravlični model vodovodnega sistema Kranj in preverjene so tlačne ter pretočne razmere v vodovodnem sistemu. Na podlagi interpretacije rezultatov hidravlične preveritve in dodatnih izračunov potrebne dolžine sekundarnega vodovodnega omrežja, so opredeljene potrebne investicije v vodovodni sistem ob realizaciji načrtovanih ureditev na območjih nepozidanih stavbnih zemljišč ter ocenjeni njihovi okvirni stroški. Rezultati oblikovane metodologije so se izkazali kot uporabni za presojo ustreznosti obstoječih kapacitet vodovodnega sistema ter načrtovanje novih, kar predstavlja manjkajočo podlago pri pripravi prostorskih aktov.

Keywords:Komunalno opremljanje stavbnih zemljišč, nepozidana stavbna zemljišča, kapaciteta vodovodnega sistema, hidravlična preveritev, poraba pitne vode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[A. Kafol Stojanović]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103594 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8562529 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Estimation of Water Distribution System Capacity as an Expert Basis for Spatial Planning Process : master thesis
The estimation of water distribution system capacity, applicable in spatial planning process as an expert basis, is developed in this master thesis. The estimation has been developed for the areas of vacant building land in the City Municipality of Kranj, where certain activities are planned. In the process of spatial plans preparation such estimations are currently not made; however, they represent an important basis for new settlement areas planning, activities allocation, time definition and cost of implementing planned arrangements. For vacant building land, where construction is possible and permissible, the estimation of average drinking water consumption was made, according to the multiannual measured existing drinking water consumption from comparable areas. The comparison was defined by the detailed land use, urban indicators and activity. Areas of vacant building land with estimation of drinking water consumption were added to the hydraulic model of water distribution system Kranj, where pressure and flow circumstances in the water distribution system were checked. We identified the necessary investments in the water distribution system and estimated the costs of it, in the case of realisation of planned arrangements on vacant building land by interpreting the results of hydraulic modelling and additional calculations of required secondary water supply network length. The results of the methodology developed proved to be useful for assessing the suitability of the existing water distribution system capacities and for planning new ones, which represents the missing basis in the process of preparation and acceptance of spatial plans.

Keywords:Public utility development, vacant building land, water distribution system capacity, hydraulic modelling, drinking water consumption

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