
Od rudarja kot simbola ponosa do »delomrzneža«: medijska slika Labinske stavke leta 1987
ID Šaina, Veronika Foška (Author), ID Pušnik, Maruša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoča magistrska naloga se osredotoča na medijsko sliko Labinske stavke rudarjev iz leta 1987, in sicer kako sta jo reprezentirala hrvaška dnevna lista Vjesnik in Glas Istre v času stavke in v tednih po koncu stavke. Teoretski okvir sestoji iz konceptov mita (Barthes, 2015), reprezentacije (Hall, 2004) in diskurza (Foucault, 2001, ipd.). S pomočjo metode kritične analize diskurza sem skušala dekonstruirati diskurzivno konstruiran mit o rudarju »delomrznežu« v omenjenih dnevnih listih in odgovoriti na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja. Zanimalo me je, kako se je stavka prikazovala v analiziranih dnevnih listih, čigav glas se je slišal v poročanju o stavki in kako se je zgodil obrat v medijih – od glorifikacije do demonizacije delavca v socialističnem sistemu, v katerem je delavec na splošno veljal za simbol ponosa (Kuzmanić, 1988). Analiza empiričnih podatkov je odkrila, da so bile medijske zgodbe poglavitno podprte s prisvojenimi glasovi (Hartley, 1982) moči (uprava, lokalna oblast, voditelji, Sindikati ipd.), medtem ko je bil glas rudarjev v poročanju zanemarjen. V ospredju informiranja o stavki v Glasu Istre in Vjesniku so bila vprašanja finančnih izgub zaradi stavke in antagonizem med »nami« in »njimi« – rudarji, ki so postavljali neracionalne zahteve.

Keywords:Labinska stavka, rudarji, mediji, reprezentacija, mit, diskurz.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103593 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35829085 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:From miner as the symbol of pride to »shirker«: media picture of the strike in Labin in 1987
The present master thesis brings into focus the media picture of the miners' strike in Labin in 1987, how it was represented by the Croatian daily newspapers Vjesnik and Glas Istre at the time of the strike and in the weeks after the end of the strike in 1987. The theoretical framework consists of the concepts of myth (Barthes, 2015), representation (Hall, 2004) and discourse (Foucault, 2001, etc.). Using the method of critical discourse analysis, I tried to deconstruct the discursively constructed myth of the miner as a "shirker" in the mentioned daily newspapers and answer the research questions. I was interested in how the strike appeared in the analysed daily newspapers, whose voice was heard in the reporting of the strike, and how the media turned up from glorification to the demonization of a worker in a socialist system in which the worker was regarded as a symbol of pride. The analysis of empirical data revealed that media stories were mainly supported by accessed voices (Hartley, 1982) of power (administration, local government, leaders, trade unions, etc.), while the voice of miners was neglected in reporting. In the forefront of informing about the strike in Glas Istre and Vjesnik, there were issues of financial losses due to strike and antagonism between »us« and »them«, miners who posed irrational requirements.

Keywords:Labin strike, miners, media, representation, myth, discourse.

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