
Razvoj obstojnih materialov za mozaike : diplomska naloga
ID Kabashi, Egzona (Author), ID Hekič, Ana (Author), ID Bokan-Bosiljkov, Violeta (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mikuš, Aleksander (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi smo želeli raziskati in v praksi uporabiti materiale, ki bi s svojo dostopno ceno, dobrimi mehanskimi karakteristikami in obstojnostjo ter enostavno pripravo omogočali širok spekter uporabe v mozaični umetnosti. Trenutno na trgu najdemo mozaične materiale, ki dosegajo zelo visoke cene, in jih je največkrat treba dobavljati iz tujine. Po pregledu literature in predhodnih raziskavah smo se odločili, da se osredotočimo na izdelavo vzorcev pripravljenih z mineralnim materialom s tržnim imenom Kremenit ter vzorcev pripravljenih z epoksidnimi vezivi Epox 210 in Aquares. Karakteristike vzorcev smo ovrednotili s pomočjo tlačne, upogibne natezne in cepilne natezne trdnosti ter zmrzlinske odpornosti. Pripravili smo vzorce različnih sestav. Razmerja sestavin smo spreminjali z dodajanjem različnih polnil, dodatkov in pigmentov, pri čemer smo že pri fazi priprave izpostavili prednosti in slabosti posameznega materiala. Prednost mineralnega materiala Kremenita je njegova enostavna priprava, hitro strjevanje in doseganje barvnih odtenkov, ki so zlasti primerni za konserviranje- restavriranje starih mozaikov. Slabše je obstojen v vodi, z dodajanjem pigmenta pa se mu bistveno poslabšajo mehanske karakteristike. Pri epoksidnih vezivih Epox 210 in Aquares dosegamo visoko intenziteto barve, kar je prednost pri izdelavi sodobnih mozaikov. Smoli sta odlično obstojni v vodi, poleg tega večina uporabljenih pigmentov bistveno ne spremeni tlačne in upogibne natezne trdnosti materiala. Slabost epoksidnih veziv, v primerjavi z mineralnimi vezivi, je nekoliko višja cena in pa slaba sposobnost cepitve, kar je ključna lastnost pri pripravi mozaičnih kock. To slabost smo poskušali odpraviti z dodajanjem polnil, vendar učinkovite cepitve na manjše kose kljub dodajanju različnih polnil praviloma nismo uspeli doseči.

Keywords:mozaik, mozaični materiali, konservatorstvo-restavratorstvo, mineralna veziva, epoksidna veziva, mehanske lastnosti, tlačna trdnost, upogibna natezna trdnost, cepilna natezna trdnost, zmrzlinska odpornost, dodatki, pigmenti, polnila
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[E. Kabashi in A. Hekič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103591 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8561505 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Development of durable materials for mosaics : graduation thesis
In this final thesis we wanted to study application of materials with wide range of use in mosaic art. These materials should possess good mechanical properties and be affordable and simple to produce. Mosaic materials currently available are known to be expensive and must mostly be supplied from abroad. After reading through literature and previous studies, we choose to focus on preparation of samples from a mineral material industrially known as Kremenit, and epoxy adhesives labeled as Epox 210 and Aquares. We prepared and tested samples of materials varying in composition, their variation caused by adding different fillers, additives and pigments. We tested them on compression, bending, splitting, impact, and freezing resistance. After that we described the advantages and disadvantages of every material. Advantages of the mineral material Kremenit included easy preparation, short curing time and simplicity when adding pigments in order to achieve wanted colouring of the material. These properties make it usable in the conservation and restoration of old mosaics. Its disadvantages are low water resistance and deterioration of its mechanical properties. Advantages of binders based on Epox 210 and Aquares include the possibility to achieve high intensity of colouring, which is an advantage in composition of modern mosaics. Both resins have an excellent water resistance and addition of pigment does not change mechanical properties of final product. The disadvantages, compared to the mineral material, are a somewhat higher price and poor splitting properties. We tried to improve those qualities by adding different fillers to each resin, but we did not achieve the splitting of the product into smaller pieces in most cases.

Keywords:mosaic, mosaic materials, restoration – conservation, mineral binder, epoxy adhesive, mechanical characteristics, compression, bending, impact, freezing resistance, additives, pigments, fillers

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