
ID ČIBUKČIĆ, EMINA (Author), ID Peček, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Z dopolnitvijo 18 let starosti lahko vsak zaprosi oziroma odda vlogo za državno štipendijo. Dijak/študent vlogo odda na centru za socialno delo, ki se nahaja v njegovem okolišu. Do prejema odločbe o prejemu/zavrnitvi štipendije lahko traja tudi do 3 meseca. Tudi sama prejemam državno štipendijo in sem se odločila, da poskusim ta postopek izdaje državne štipendije izboljšati, skrajšati ter poenostaviti. Torej glavi problem v mojem diplomskem delu je čas vnašanja vlog v program IS CSD2, kar pa posledično povzroči manj obdelanih strank v določenem časovnem obdobju, utrujenost zaposlenih na koncu, pa tudi nezadovoljstvo strank. Z diplomskim delom želim dokazati, da se z drugačnim načinom dela lahko poenostavi način dela, s tem pa hkrati razbremenimo zaposlene, zmanjšamo napetost in nejevoljnost v organizaciji in hitrejše se bodo vloge obdelale posledično se bodo tudi izognili nezadovoljstvu strank. Moj cilj je poenostaviti in razbremeniti delo zaposlenih s tem, pa tudi časovno skrajšala postopek izdaje državne štipendije. Sedanji in prenovljeni postopek bom s pomočjo programa iGrafx, predstavila AsIs (kot je) ter ToBe (kot bi moralo biti), kjer si bosta postopka, že na prvi pogled različna.

Keywords:državna štipendija, problem, iGrafx, preobremenjenost zaposlenih sedanji postopek, prenovljeni postopek
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103543 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

By completing 18 years of age, everyone can apply for a state scholarship. The student must apply for a scholarship at the social work center located in his/her environment. The decision about scholarship being accepted or rejected can last up to 3 months. Receiving a state scholarship by myself, so I decided to try to improve, shorten and simplify this procedure. Therefore, the main problem thesis is the time when applications are introduced into the IS CSD2 program, which results in less processed customers, fatigue of employees, as well as customer dissatisfaction. I wanted to prove that a different way of working can simplify the way of work, thus at the same time relieving employees, reducing tension in the organization, and applications will be processed faster and consequently they will also avoid client dissatisfaction. Main goal of my work is to simplify and relieve the work of employees, and also shorten the time of the process issuing state scholarships. The current and renewed process will be presented by iGrafx, presenting AsIs (as is) and ToBe (as it should be), where the procedures will be different at first glance.

Keywords:state scholarship, problem, iGrafx, employee overload, current procedure, renewed procedure

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