
Vpliv razporeditve in količine vode na kvalitativne in kvantitativne lastnosti nekaterih plodovk
ID Bavdek, Blaž (Author), ID Slatnar, Ana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen dela je ugotoviti, kako kakovost in kvantiteta vode vplivata na kakovost in kvantiteto pridelka plodovk. S pregledom literature sem ugotovil, koliko vode potrebuje rastlina za normalen razvoj v različnih obdobjih pridelovanja, koliko vode potrebuje med različnimi fenološkimi fazami ter koliko vode potrebuje rastlina glede števila zaporednih ciklov pridelave. Meritve so bile izvedene s pomočjo različnih metod in tehnik. V nalogi so opisane vrste dveh družin (družina Solanaceae in družina Cucurbitaceae), ki jih zajema skupina plodovk s pripadajočo vsebnostjo vode v plodu. S študijami, ki so preučevale različne načine dodajanje vode, sem ugotovil, kateri sistemi učinkoviteje razporedijo vodo glede hitrosti dodajanja, zmanjšajo izgubo ter povečajo učinkovitost rabe vode. V delu so navedeni pomembni rezultati pri gojenju v zaprtem in odprtem prostoru, ti nam pomagajo pri izbiri načina namakanja v praktičnem delu in nam pomagajo pri zagotavljanju določene kvantitete. Ugotovil sem, kako zasoljena voda in sušni stres vplivata na razvoj rastline, velikost plodov, vsebnost bioaktivnih snovi in ostalih rastnih parametrov. Z gnojenjem je po poročanju raziskav možno zmanjšati vpliv zasoljene vode in vodnega deficita pri razvoju, da dosežemo čim boljšo kakovost in kvantiteto pridelka.

Keywords:plodovke, voda, kakovost pridelka, količina pridelka, namakalni sistem, gojenje na prostem, rastlinjak
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[B. Bavdek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103494 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:9028985 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of water distribution and quantity on the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of some fruiting vegetables
The purpose of the thesis was to find out the way water quality and quantity influence the quality and quantity of fruiting vegetables crops. An overview of literature revealed the amount of water a plant requires in order to develop normally during various phases of growth, various phenological phases as well as the amount of water required in relation to the number of successive growth cycles. The measurements were performed with the help of various methods and techniques. The work includes the descriptions of the species of two families (Solanaceae family and Cucurbitaceae family), which are included in the group of fruiting vegetables with a pertaining amount of water in the fruit. Studies analysing various ways of adding water, showed which systems are the most functional when it comes to water distribution relation to the irrigation intensity, decreasing loss and increasing water use efficiency. The thesis includes the results in terms of growing plants in greenhouses or open spaces, which are helpful for choosing irrigation method as well as in ensuring quantity. I reviewed how saline water and water stress affect the development of the plant, the size of the fruit, the amount of bioactive substances and other growth parameters. Fertilising the plant has decreased the influence of saline water and water deficit in the plant’s development with an attempt to ensure the best quality and quantity of the product.

Keywords:fruits, water, crop quality, crop produce quantity, irrigation system, outdoor farming, greenhouse

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