
Odnosi v družinskem podjetju – študija primera
ID Oštir, Martin (Author), ID Kovačič, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tema, ki sem jo obravnaval v diplomskem delu, je družinsko podjetništvo in odnosi med družinskimi člani v njem, ki so eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov uspešnosti družinskih podjetij. V diplomskem delu sem predstavil študijo primera ene organizacije. Število raziskovalnih enot je majhno oziroma vzorec je majhen, število opazovanih lastnosti veliko. Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati spoznanja različnih avtorjev o delovanju družinskega podjetja, s poudarkom na odnosih v družinskem podjetju, ter analizirati stališča in mnenja družinskih članov o delu in odnosih v družinskem podjetju na konkretnem primeru. Pri pisanju diplomskega dela sem uporabil tako sekundarne vire zbiranja podatkov kot tudi primarne vire: strokovna literatura in viri, interni viri proučevane organizacije ter anketiranje. Anketni vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz več sklopov. Demografskim podatkom o anketirancih so sledili štirje sklopi vprašanj, in sicer o: odnosu do dela, podjetja in nagrajevanju ter zadovoljstvu; prednostih in slabostih dela v družinskem podjetju; vrednotah in interesih v družinskem podjetju; odnosih in konfliktih v družinskem podjetju. Postavil sem šest hipotez, od katerih sem štiri potrdil, dveh pa ni bilo mogoče niti potrditi niti ovreči. Zaključim lahko, da med družinskimi člani obstajajo razlike v stališčih in mnenjih glede večine vprašanj (še najmanjše so med lastnikom in mlajšim sinom) in da v družinskem podjetju obstajajo konfliktni odnosi med družinskimi člani. Razlog zanje so razlike v poslovnih vrednotah, interesih in lastnikovem slogu vodenja podjetja (vključno z nagrajevanjem otrok).

Keywords:družinsko podjetje, odnosi, raziskava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103477 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:35880541 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Relationships in family business – case study
This thesis addresses the subject of family entrepreneurship and the relationships between family members involved in such an enterprise, which is one of the most important factors that determine the success of a family enterprise. In the thesis I present a case study of one organisation. The number of research units or the sample is small, the number of analysed characteristics large. The goal of this thesis is to explore the insights of various authors regarding the functioning of a family enterprise with emphasis on the relationships within a family enterprise and to analyse views and opinions of family members on work and family relationships, based on a specific case. In drafting this thesis, I used secondary sources for data collection as well as primary sources: scientific literature and sources, internal sources of the studied organisation a survey. The survey questionnaire consisted of several parts. Demographic data on the respondents was followed by four question sets: on work ethic, relation towards the enterprise, remunerations and satisfaction; the advantages and disadvantages of working in a family enterprise; the values and interests in a family enterprise; the relationships and conflicts in a family enterprise. I formed six hypotheses and confirmed four of them, two could not be confirmed nor denied. In conclusion, there are differences in views and opinions between family members regarding most questions (the smallest differences exist between the owner and the younger son) and that conflicting relationships between family members exist in family enterprises. The reason for these lies in differences in business values, interests and the owner's management style (including the remuneration of children).

Keywords:family business, relationships, research

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