
Karakterizacija napak na ulitku ohišja prirobnice in optimizacija tehnologije litja
ID Šmid, Tadeja (Author), ID Petrič, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Nagode, Aleš (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu se raziskuje problem, ki se navezuje na pojavljanje površinskih razpok po plastični deformaciji aluminijevih ulitkov, ki so liti in žarjeni v Mariborski livarni Maribor, d.d. Pri danih ulitkih govorimo o ohišju prirobnice, izdelane s tlačnim litjem zlitine AlSi10Mg, katere kemijska sestava ustreza DIN EN 1706 standardu. Po tlačnem litju sledi žarjenje ulitkov, katerega namen je zagotoviti zahtevano trdnost polizdelka, da ga lahko kupec ustrezno plastično deformira in s tem vgradi gumijast vložek. Skozi celotno proizvodnjo ulitka v Mariborski livarni Maribor se upoštevajo konstrukcijske zahteve kupca. Čeprav so slednje zagotovili ter se izvaja kontrola tako med kot po procesu proizvodnje, ki potrjuje ustreznost polizdelka zahtevanim kupčevim parametrom, še vedno na ulitkih po deformaciji nastajajo vidne razpoke. Skozi magistrsko delo smo analizirali vzorce ulitkov po vseh fazah proizvodnje ter naredili literaturni pregled s področja napak in poškodb pri tlačnem litju, žarjenju ter plastični deformaciji s ciljem, da bi ugotoviti vzrok za nastanek napak, ki se pojavljajo in so krive za nastanek razpok. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo izvedli optimizacijo procesa litja s spremembo ulivnega sistema, ki je vodila do izboljšanja kvalitete ulitkov. Nove ulitke smo ponovno analizirali ter tako preverili, če je bil naš poskus uspešen in se sprva ugotovljene napake niso več pojavile oziroma so se pojavile v manjšem obsegu.

Keywords:ohišje prirobnice, tlačno litje, trganje v vročem, AlSi10Mg, optimizacija litja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103470 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1750367 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.09.2018
ŠMID, Tadeja, 2018, Karakterizacija napak na ulitku ohišja prirobnice in optimizacija tehnologije litja [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Defect characterization of flange housing casting and optimization of casting technology
The master's thesis investigates the problem connected to the formation of surface cracks after the plastic deformation of aluminum castings, which are cast and annealed in Mariborska Livarna Maribor. The castings in question are flange housings manufactured with high pressure die casting of the alloy AlSi10Mg, the chemical composition of which corresponds to the DIN EN 1706 standard. After die casting, the casts are annealed in order to provide the required strength of the semi-finished products, so that the buyer can properly deform them and thereby insert the rubber component. Throughout the entire production process of making castings in Mariborska Livarna Maribor, the customer's construction requirements are taken into account. However, even though the requirements are fulfilled and quality control, which confirms the suitability of the semi-finished product to the purchaser's required parameter, is carried out during, as well as after the production process, visible cracks still appear on the castings after the deformation. Thus, the master's thesis analyses samples of castings at all stages of production, and presents an overview of the literature in the field of defects and damages in high pressure die casting, annealing and plastic deformation, in order to determine the type of defects that occur and are responsible for cracks. On the basis of the obtained results, the casting process was optimized by changing the gating system, which led to the improvement of the quality of the castings. We re-analyzed the new castings to check if the experiment was successful and if the initially found defects did not appear anymore or if they appeared on a smaller scale.

Keywords:flange housing, high pressure die casting, hot tearing, AlSi10Mg, casting optimization

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