
Internet vrednosti: implementacija konektorja za protokol Interledger
ID Hercog, Uroš (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Takojšnji prenos sredstev med različnimi plačilnimi sistemi danes predstavlja velik izziv. Njihova interoperabilnost bo z modernizacijo bančništva in s hitrim razvojem novih sistemov vedno bolj pomembna. Izmenjava sredstev med različnimi plačilnimi sistemi mora biti neposredna in instantna. Za to potrebujemo protokol, ki navedene zahteve neposredno naslavlja. Takšen protokol je Interledger, ki ga opišemo v nalogi.V diplomski nalogi analiziramo področje interoperabilnosti plačilnih sistemov in podamo njegovo kritiko. Podrobno predstavimo plačilni protokol Interledger. Razvijemo in opišemo programsko rešitev, ki omogoča pošiljanje sredstev preko tega plačilnega protokola. Rešitev ovrednotimo tako, da izvedemo prenos sredstev med tremi različnimi plačilnimi sistemi. Na podlagi rezultatov vrednotenja rešitve sklenemo, da naša implementacija konektorja za protokol Interledger rešuje zastavljene probleme.

Keywords:Interledger, konektor, interoperabilnost, tehnologija veriženja blokov, glavna knjiga
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103463 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
HERCOG, Uroš, 2018, Internet vrednosti: implementacija konektorja za protokol Interledger [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Internet of Value: implementation of Interledger protocol connector
Instant transfer of funds between different payment systems presents a great challenge. Interoperability of payment systems will play a major role in the modernization of existing financial systems and in the development of new payment systems, which are introduced daily. Interchange of funds between these systems should be direct and instant. To achieve this, we need a protocol that directly addresses these requirements. Such a protocol is Interledger, which we describe in detail.In this thesis, we critically analyse the field of payment system's interoperability and present in full detail a new payment protocol, named Interledger. We develop and describe a software solution, which enables sending funds through this payment system. We evaluate the solution by executing a transfer over three different existing payment systems. Based on the results, we conclude that our implementation of an Interledger connector solves the given problems.

Keywords:Interledger, connector, interoperability, blockchain, ledger

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