
ID IPAVEC, MATEJA (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Raziskovalni izziv predstavlja močna obremenjenost žensk ter posledično težje usklajevanje poklica in družine, s poudarkom na sektorjih. Namen raziskave je odpraviti te posledice znotraj tiste organizacije, ki ima trenutno slabše razmere. Na osnovi teorije in raziskave s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo dokazali, da so ženske zasebnega sektorja močneje obremenjene kot ženske zaposlene znotraj javnega sektorja, pri čemer niso izključeni niti moški. Na tem mestu velja poudariti, da smo si za vsak sektor izbrali po eno organizacijo. Vzrok so predvsem višje število nadur, nizke plače, ter večizmenski delovni čas. To povzroča težje usklajevanje poklica in družine, predvsem pa preobremenjenost žensk. Zaradi večjega števila nadur ter večizmenskega delovnega časa so se vsakotedensko primorani prilagajati drug drugemu. Nizke plače pa so le še dodatna težava, ki onemogoča zaposlenim, da bi si poiskali pomoč za varstvo ali druga opravila na trgu dela. Delodajalec ponuja le minimalne možnosti, ki se jih zaposleni na tem področju lahko poslužujejo. Na podlagi ugotovljenega stanja znotraj sektorjev smo predlagali ukrepe v sklopu certifikata Družini prijazno podjetje. Predlagani ukrepi lahko izboljšajo stanje s strani delodajalca, ki je v samem procesu izboljševanja ključni akter. Obremenjenost žensk na področju gospodinjskih opravil pa je povsem zasebno področje urejanja, zato tu delodajalci ne morejo storiti prav veliko. Pomembno je namreč, da delodajalci poskrbijo za sankcije na tistih področji, ki zaposlenim predstavljajo obremenjenost ter neravnovesje med poklicem in družino. Zadovoljstvo pa ne bo vidno le v očeh zaposlenih, ampak tudi delodajalcev, saj bodo zadovoljni zaposleni posledično učinkovitejši in produktivnejši.

Keywords:enakost spolov, sektorji, usklajevanja poklica in družine, obremenjenost žensk
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103453 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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The challenge of our research has been the increasing strain of women coordinating their family life and career, emphasizing the sectors. The aim of the research was to eliminate the consequences within the companies and organisations that are currently working in deprived conditions. Based on our theory studies and research with the help of the survey, we were able to prove that women working in the private sector are undergoing a higher level of strain coordinating their family lives with their careers than women working in the public sector, adding that men are also involved in the problem. One organisation was included in the survey as a representative of each sector. The reasons behind the difference in the level of strain were mostly a higher number of overtime working, lower salaries and working in shifts. These are the reasons that make the coordination of family life and career more difficult and therefore cause the overload of many women working under such conditions. Due to a higher level of overtime working and working in shifts, the employed are obliged to adjust their schedules on a weekly basis. Lower salaries are an additional problem that disables them to make use of day care and other household chores available on the market. The employers offer minimum possibilities in the area. Due to the results of our survey, we have suggested a list of measures to the Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate. These can improve the current state of affairs on the level of the employers, who are the key factor in the process of improvement. On the other hand, the strain women undergo regarding the household chores falls into the private area, and the employers have little possibilities to influence it. It is of extreme importance that the employers improve their part in making the coordination of family life and career easier. The consequences will not only influence the employees’ level of satisfaction, but also improve their efficiency and productivity.

Keywords:gender equality, sectors, coordinating family life and career, women’s workload

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