
Razvoj sodobnih aplikacij z uporabo Jave Enterprise Edition in aplikacijskega strežnika WebSphere
ID Bariša, Delfina (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Za razvoj modernih več-nivojskih aplikacij je danes na voljo več različnih platform. Ena izmed vodilnih platform je Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), ki se je med pisanjem diplomske naloge preimenovala in bo znana pod imenom Jakarta Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE). Največ funkcionalnosti v več-nivojskih aplikacijah se izvaja na aplikacijskem strežniku. Aplikacijskih strežnikov za platformo Java EE je na tržišču zelo veliko, med njimi je zelo pogosto uporabljen aplikacijski strežnik WebSphere (WAS). V diplomski nalog najprej predstavimo Javo in Javo EE. Nato opišemo več-nivojske aplikacije in njihovo implementacijo s platformo Java EE. Po tem si podrobno ogledamo novosti zadnjih dveh različic Jave EE in profile Jave EE. Na koncu opišemo aplikacijske strežnike in aplikacijski strežnik WAS. Diplomska naloga temelji na pregledu literature in dokumentacije Jave EE, s poudarkom na njenih zadnjih dveh verzijah. Rezultat diplomske naloge je povzetek in analiza novosti zadnjih dveh verzij Jave EE ter pregled in analiza aplikacijskih strežnikov.

Keywords:Java Platform, Standard Edition, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, več-nivojske aplikacije, aplikacijski strežnik WebSphere
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103447 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Title:Development of modern applications using Java Enterprise Edition and WebSphere Application Server
There are many different platforms available for developing modern multi-tier applications. One of the leading platforms is Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE), which was renamed during the writing of the thesis and will be known as Jakarta Enterprise Edition (Jakarta EE). The application server performs most functionalities of multi-tier applications. There are many application servers for the Java EE platform on the market, one of the most commonly used is WebSphere application server (WAS). In this thesis we first introduce Java and Java EE. Then we describe multi-tier applications and their implementation with Java EE platform. After this, we look closely at the novelties of the last two versions of Java EE and the Java EE profiles. Finally, we describe application servers and WAS. The thesis is based on a review of the literature and documentation of Java EE, with an emphasis on its last two versions. The result of the thesis is a summary and analysis of the latest two versions of Java EE and an overview and analysis of Java EE application servers.

Keywords:Java Platform, Standard Edition, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, Multi-Tier Applications, WebSphere Application Server

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