
Od kozmosa do kaosa
ID Draščič, Tina (Author), ID Sedlaček, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Černelč, Robert (Comentor)

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Teoretični del magistrske naloge je vezan na animacijo z naslovom 2 minuti do polnoči. Omenjeno animacijo sem ustvarila s soavtorico Karmen Slovša, katere teoretični del naloge se imenuje Od kaosa do kozmosa. Poglavja, ki sva si jih razdelili glede na naloge, ki sva jih opravljali, zaobjemajo celoten proces nastanka animacije. Naloge, ki sem jih v celotnem procesu opravljala, so bile pisanje zgodbe ter oblikovanje in animiranje likov, skupaj pa sva si delili ilustriranje posameznih elementov mesta, ki sva jih vstavljali v 3D okolje in iz njih izdelali maketo, ki nama je služila kot scenografija. V teoretičnem delu se bom na začetku podrobneje posvetila raziskavi o namenu pripovedovanja, v osrednjem delu bodo predmet moje raziskave animirani filmi, v zadnjem delu pa bom predstavila lastni projekt in ga opredelila iz vsebinskega in tehničnega vidika.

Keywords:vizualne komunikacije, animacija, ilustracija, kozmos, kaos, zgodba, diplomska/magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103431 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Cosmos to chaos
Theoretical part of this Master's thesis is linked to the animation short entitled 2 minutes to midnight. I created this animation with a co-author, Karmen Slovša, whose theoretical part of the Master's thesis is entitled Chaos to Cosmos. The chapters, which we divided between ourselves depending on the tasks that we were dealing with, comprise the whole process of creating an animation short. The tasks that I myself was dealing with in the process include writing the story, designing and animating the characters, while together with Karmen we illustrated the individual elements of the city and inserted them into the 3D environment which later served as scenography. In the theoretical part, I will initially focus on the purpose of storytelling, in the second part I will do a research about the animated movies, and in the last part I will present my project and define its content and technical aspects.

Keywords:visual communication, animation, illustration, cosmos, chaos, story, BA thesis/MA thesis

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