
Odnos med narativnostjo in morfologijo v moji likovni ustvarjalnosti / Zavest pokrajine: maske iz naravnih materialov
ID Tomšič Jacobs, Anna Rosa (Author), ID Erič, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muhovič, Jožef (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Umetnost lahko vidimo kot vrsto komunikacije, vsaka informacija pa ima dve modaliteti: (1) semantično informacijo in (2) estetsko informacijo. S stališča likovne umetnosti je pri tem zanimivo, na kakšen način sta ta dva tokova (ali forma in vsebina) prepletena. Pri raziskovanju čutne plati umetnosti se ukvarjamo z oblikoslovjem oz. morfologijo. Vsako tvorjenje oblik temelji na naravi, saj je za tvorbo (novih) oblik potreben uvid v vizualno in taktilno oblikovanost stvarnosti. Povezavo z vsebinsko in interpretativno platjo (za katero stoji narativnost) vzpostavimo preko razumevanja umetnosti kot sistema znakov, saj znak povezuje čutno nazornost z abstraktnim svetom misli. Človek je pri vsakem delovanju neizogibno ideološki, to drži tudi pri likovnem ustvarjanju. V ožjem smislu so zgodbe v likovni umetnosti sicer vezane na človeško figuro in prikaz dogajanja, v širšem smislu pa lahko gledalec z več ali manj narativnosti pristopa k občevanju z likovnim delom in tako vidi pripovedno vsebino tudi v nepredmetni sliki. Odlika likovne umetnosti pa ostaja predvsem v tem, da svetu stopa naproti neposredno preko svoje čutnosti, in ne (le) s podajanjem podatkov.

Keywords:slikarstvo, likovna morfologija, narativnost, hermenevtika, estetska informacija, semantična informacija, semiotika, magistrsko delo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103429 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The relation between narrativity and morphology in my artistic creation / The conciousness of the land: masks made of natural materials
We can see art as a means of communication. Every information has two modalities: (1) the semantic information and (2) the estethic information. From the wievpoint of the arts the interesting part is where the two modalities (or form and content) intertwine. By researching the sensual aspect of the arts we are engaged with morphology. Every formation of forms is based on nature as for making (new) forms it is essential to have insight into the visual and tactile structure of reality. The connection to the content and the interpretative aspect (for which the word narrativity here stands) is made by seeing art as a system of signs, because signs are connecting the physical with the abstract mental world. Man is, no matter what he does, acting ideologically, this holds true as well for artistic creation. In the narrow sense stories in art are basically connected to the human figure and the demonstration of occurances, in the broader sense, however, the viewer can advance a work of art with an attitude more or less narrative and can tolerably see a narrative content in a non-subjective painting aswell. The distinction of the arts however remains, that they approach the world directly through its sensuousness and not (only) by conveying data.

Keywords:painting, visual morphology, narrativity, hermeneutics, esthetic information, semantic information, semiotics, MA thesis

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