
Oblikovanje knjige Povodni mož
ID Remc, Darja (Author), ID Kenda, Boštjan Botas (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Semion, Tanja (Comentor)

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Pri večini knjig je vid tisto čutilo, na katerega se osredotočajo oblikovalci (z izjemo knjig za slepe ali otroških knjig, ki so interaktivne), še posebej to velja pri novodobnih e-knjigah. Vendar pa se moramo zavedati, da vsaj še čutilo za tip sodeluje pri branju (e-knjige to zanemarjajo), namreč gramatura, tekstura in velikost papirja vplivajo na to, kako dojemamo besedilo. Podajajo nam informacije o tem, kakšno »vrednost« ima vsebina besedila. Na primer dnevne novice so tiskane na časopisni papir, ki ni dolgo obstojen, prav tako kot bodo novice naslednje jutro že pozabljene. Medtem ko bomo za biografijo slavnega umetnika izbrali kaj bolj obstojnega, saj želimo podati sporočilo o pomembnosti in spomin, za katerega želimo, da se ohrani. Končni izdelek praktičnega dela diplomskega dela je fizična knjiga z vsebino balade Povodni mož. S pomočjo oblikovanja sem poskušala doseči drugačen način branja balade. Tega sem se lotila tako, da sem poleg formata, tipografije, slike, velikosti in mreže, ki običajno okupirajo čutilo za vid, posvetila pozornost tudi ostalim čutilom. Kajti čutila so odgovorna za vsako čutno izkušnjo, ki jo dobimo iz zunanjega sveta. Več čutov sodeluje pri odkrivanju oziroma izkušnji nečesa, več informacij naši možgani prejmejo in tako bolje spoznamo in izkusimo dano situacijo ali produkt. Skozi oblikovanje knjige sem se posvetila čutom, ki bralcu podajajo informacije o samem besedilu, in z oblikovanjem informacij za različna čutila poskušala za bralca ustvariti nov, drugačen način branja balade Povodni mož. V teoretsko-analitičnem delu diplomskega dela sem se posvetila knjigi, njenemu pomenu in vprašanju njene prihodnosti; oblikovanju knjige in čutom, ki sodelujejo pri spoznavanju fizične knjige.

Keywords:grafično oblikovanje, oblikovanje knjige, ilustracija, čutila, knjižna ilustracija, domišljijska ilustracija, vizualne komunikacije, senzorno oblikovanje, povodni mož, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Designing the book The Water Man
Sight is usually the main sense graphic designers focus on (excluding books for blind people or interactive children's books), especially with e-books nowadays. But we have to keep in mind that at least one more sense is activated when we read - touch (e-books neglect that). Paper weight, texture and size of format have impact on how we perceive text, they give us information about 'value' of the book. For example, daily news are printed on newspaper that is not lasting, exactly like the news which we will forget tomorrow. In contrast, biography of a famous artist will be printed on something that lasts and gives a message about importance and memory which we would like to preserve. Product of the practical part of the thesis is a book in physical form, with content of the ballad Povodni mož. Trough the process of designing the book, the goal was to achieve different way of reading this ballad. I tried to do this by choosing the right format, typography, illustration, size and layout (all of them usually focus on the sight) and also focusing the attention on senses that are not sight. Senses are responsible for everything we feel and perceive from the outside world. More senses we engage in an experience or designing a product, more information can a user collect and the final experience will be better. While designing I will pay attention to the senses which give information about the content of the book to a reader. And by designing information for different senses I will try to create a new and different way of reading the ballad Povodni mož. In theoretical-analytical part of the thesis I will discuss the topic of the book, its importance and its future, book design and senses that take part in getting to know a physical book.

Keywords:graphic design, book design, illustration, senses, book illustration, imaginary illustration, visual communications, sensory design, water man, BA thesis

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