
Vpliv družbenega okolja na anksioznost posameznika
ID Kadunc, Ajda (Author), ID Lenardič, Zmago (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Grafenauer, Petja (Comentor)

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MD5: 436ED70326C27DCB69A10AF5AD978483

Skozi sliko želim obravnavati tesnobo kot abnormalnost sodobnega človeka, ki se kaže kot intenziven notranji nemir. V odnosu do tega me zanima in vznemirja sistem nadzorovanja in družbene manipulacije, vprašanje pravice biti (ne)udeležen ter posameznikove možnosti izogniti se pričakovanjem in postati avtonomni individuum. Izhodišče je prepričanje, da je anksioznost produkt sklopa situacij, zahtev, pravil in dogodkov v dobi posameznikovega razvoja. Z izbrano literaturo bom obravnavala tesnobo, razvoj identitete ter družbo in njene prijeme »brzdanja« in nadzorovanja množic, kar pa služi kot inspiracija za sklop slik, s katerimi skozi različne likovne principe sugeriram na problematiko družbenega vpliva na posameznika.

Keywords:slikarstvo, anksioznost, družbeno nadzorovanje, identiteta, subjekt, avtonomija, ekspresija, motnja, diplomsko delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-103386 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.09.2018
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of social enviroment on individual's anxiety
Through painting, I wish to discuss anxiety as an abnormality of a contemporary man, which appears as intense inner unrest. In relation to this, I am interested and agitated by the system of surveillance and social manipulation, the question of the right of (non-)participation and individual's potential to avoid expectations and become an autonomous individual. The basis is the belief that anxiety is a product of a set of situations, requirements, rules, and events in the time of the individual's development. With the help of the selected literature, I will address anxiety, the development of identity and the society and its procedures to subdue and control masses, which serves as an inspiration for a set of paintings that through various artistic principles suggest the problem of social impact on an individual.

Keywords:painting, anxiety, social control, identity, subject, autonomy, expression, disorder, BA thesis

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